QUESTIONS ON hair transplant's. PLEASE ADVISE!

Doug Jarvis

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I've had multiple hair transplant's but forgive my ignorance on the subject--I've been to some real hacks until I finally found a good Doctor for my last hair transplant which was last December.

I've lost hair in the crown area in recent years but most of what is left in my crown area is transplanted hair. Can I lose transplanted hair permanantly through shockloss if I were to have another hair transplant in this area? Can a hair transplant Doctor tell which hairs might be at risk of being lost to shockloss, or is it a guessing game?

What is the reccommneded time a patient waits between hair transplant's ? I have always waited a minimum of one year between procedures but I'm wondering if I can do it before then--say 8 months, or is that too soon?

Lastly, I'm confused about the time it takes a hair transplant to fully reach it's 100% level of development. I have always heard that it is about 1 year. Is this true? How much % should there be grown out after 8 months?

Thanks for all replies!

Doug Jarvis

Reaction score
I'm living in Asia these days and my doctor is in Boston. It's difficult to reach him by phone given the time difference and his busy schedule. I did email him my questions prior to posting here--and hope to here back from him soon-- but I also wanted to see what others' experiences had been like.