questions on my fine hair versus my thick hair


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The hair in the back of my head, below the crown, is rather thick and strong. However, the hair on my crown (which is thinning) is not very strong obviously, but everything from the hairline to the crown is not very strong either. I dont appear to be having a receding hairline, could this just be how my hair is? Im thinking it might be damaged, from over-combing. If that is the case, is it possible that if i remove all the damaged hairt that it could grow as thick as the hair in the back? Thanks.

too bald too furious

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By reading your seems you are a diffused thinner. Please do some research starting from the main page of, before asking questions like shaving your head will make it grow back thicker.
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silkeysmooth said:
The hair in the back of my head, below the crown, is rather thick and strong. However, the hair on my crown (which is thinning) is not very strong obviously, but everything from the hairline to the crown is not very strong either. I dont appear to be having a receding hairline, could this just be how my hair is? Im thinking it might be damaged, from over-combing. If that is the case, is it possible that if i remove all the damaged hairt that it could grow as thick as the hair in the back? Thanks.

I think it's male pattern baldness bro. Over combing shouldn't make your hair thinner. And shaving hair to try and make it grow thicker ain't gonna work. Has your crown always been like that? If it just started then you should hop the finasteride wagon before it gets any worse.


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thanks for the replies, i too think its male pattern baldness, and i am taking finasteride, but i've seen a derm and im going to send in some hairs that I gathered over a day to get some sort of tests done. Just to be safe.
And i understand that my hair wont necessarily be "thicker", but i do think that alot of my hair could be damaged or broken; its rather longish right now, and ive been trying to grow it out, but it just doesnt want to grow past a certain point. But maybe its just the luck of the draw, though i wish i knew why a certain part of my hair is nice and thick while the rest of it isn't as strong.
I appreciate the replies fellas, thanks again.


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But maybe its just the luck of the draw, though i wish i knew why a certain part of my hair is nice and thick while the rest of it isn't as strong.

Mate its the same for everyone. My hair below the crown is thick, not just individually but in density too. Thats the way it is - which is why people with norwood 7 still have nice thick hair round the back and sides.

My hair on the back and sides is nice and thick and grows thick, whilst the hair on top is patchy, then, losing its colour and limp. Oh, and its also falling out :p


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I think you should reserch how DHT attacks your hair follicles on the top of your head and the effects of it(which is provided on this site).

There is no way combing can damage your hair to the extent of hairloss.