questions to experienced hair system wearers


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hi there,

i am 22, pretty bald already, and considering making the switch to a hair system.

currently its a lot of work to look really mediocre with my thin top (nanogen and tons of gel ~45 minutes infront of the mirror every morning)

i started finasteride about 1 month ago, but honestly, i cant expect too much my hairloss started really early and its already pretty bad (Norwood 3.5) so i dont think finasteride will make me happy, especially considering the risks of long term use.

so lately i have been doing alot of research on hair systems. they seem like a good solution, while we wait for miracle cure that is not gonna arrive ever.

so heres my questions, hopefully someone can share his oppinion:

1. what about wearing caps and hats? is it possible? i love wearing caps and hats it has become part of my look and i would also like to wear hats over my hairsystem until i get used to it and feel confident wearing it. does it impact the durability or have any negative effects ?

2. realistically, once you got the hang of it, how long can you wear a hairpiece until you have to deattach it? can you really shower with it after you fucked the hot chick you picked up at the bar and walk into the room naked rubbing a towel on your awesome wet hair? can you do that every day?

3. whats it like? when does the paranoia turn into the amazing feeling of being handsome ?

4. do you feel "yourself" while you are wearing your hairpiece and "temporarily weird" while deattaching it? or is it the other way around? i imagine looking at my bald head whenever i deattach the system would be awful and i would feel like humiliating myself...

5. i use alot of gel on my hair atm (i havent left the house without rock-hard hair in several years) and i would like to be able to do this with my hairsystem. obviously it wouldnt need to be as excessively as i do it atm, because i wouldnt need to do it for density, but is it doable? could i just wash it out after two days and style it again? would it impact the durability? would it make it hair look more realistic?

6. there was a teacher at my old school who got hit by a soccer ball on the head, and his hairpiece went flying. obviously he switched schools after the incident. was his system bad, or the glue? with the toplace system (just to name one i am researching atm and use it as example) is this likely to happen?
same scenario, basically, what if you get into a fistfight? i get involved in fights quite often and nothing would suck more than having your hair fall off while getting punched in the face.

7. did it suck to quit propecia, didnt it feel like "giving up" ? im sure with a good hair system you look better than ANY finasteride consumer could ever hope to look, but how did it feel to basically accept the baldness, and cover it up? the idea would bother me, but taking propecia while wearing a hair system seems pretty retarded.

8. do you think a young guy, like myself, can get away with wearing a hairpiece easier? because on the one hand its gonna be hard to convince my friends and girls i have been seeing that "its the medication!", on the other hand im pretty sure nobody whom i meet once wearing a hairpiece would suspect anything, because im pretty hairy 22 year old guy with extremely thick hair (in the horseshoe lol)

thats all for now, sry for the wall of text, hopefully someone can give some input on some of the issues, i would greatly appreciate it.


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1. You can wear a hat, but you'll probably want to check out how you look in a mirror, just in case the hairpiece hair has separated from your bio hair on the sides or back. Usually, you can smooth it back into place with your fingers..

2. You don't ever want to rub the hair with a towel. It can cause tangles and puts too much stress on the knots.

3. Paranoia is a personal thing. It may take a couple of weeks or a couple of months.

4. The image of myself that I carry around in my head has hair. I think I look odd without it.

5. You can use product in the hair, but you'll need to use a clarifying shampoo every now and then to remove all of the product residue. The less product you use, the better.

6. The best solution is to deal with your anger in other ways. A hairpiece can withstand just about any normal situation, but having someone pull on your hair as hard as he can may produce embarrassing results.

7. No experience, but if you are getting results from Propecia, why stop using it?

8. Young people with high hair density in the "horseshoe area" get the best results - assuming they start with a good hair system.