quick question on minoxidil.


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Hey guys, I just have a quick question on minoxidil (5%) , If i were to use this would all the treated hair become minoxidil. dependent. meaning, if i were to stop using minoxidil. would otherwise healthy hairs fall out from the treated area?....does only hair that is grown from minoxidil. fall out once treatment is stopped?, does minoxidil affect the surronding healthy hairs?

this question is real important for me since I am seriously considering starting a finasteride./ minoxidil/ nizoral regimne. just to hopefully maintain my hairline (no vertex, crown or anterior thinning/ balding at this point) .

thanks again guys.


It does seem that hairs grown on minoxidil are dependent on it thereafter, Hair that is grown with finasteride is finasteride dependent.

Stop using minoxidil and minoxidil hairs fall out, stop using finasteride and finasteride hairs fall out.

Stop both, you will go as bald as a badgers arse.


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im 19 and currently still have most of my hair. although it has started receding loads and thining out. i am planning on taking propecia to stop losing my hair, cos i have no need to actually grow anymore. does this mean if i start taking propecia then im stuck 4 life? cos as soon as i stop itl fall out?
