Quick Question Please - finasteride For 10 Months - Far More Oil On Scalp?


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I have had extremely dry skin for the last 10 years. But I noticed something after 8-9 months of taking finasteride, is that my scalp is very oily now. This is a bit of a welcome change because my skin was way too dry before and always caused problems, but does have me slightly concerned because I have developed three possible theories below and I don't know which it is:

1. I am losing the hairloss battle, there is less hairs to soak up the oil, and my scalp appears more oily.
2. This is an effect of finasteride, and perhaps a warning of worse side effects to come
3. It's a coincidence that the dry skin on my face/scalp has been suddenly cured after 10 years.

Anyone else experience? Or does anyone know the science?


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I don't know the science but have been on and off finasteride for almost 15 years (off and on due to side effects and my tolerance for them). One thing I've noticed is, when I come off of the finasteride, my scalp gets inflamed, my hair is dry and brittle, and things in general feel really unhealthy up there. I'm always amazed when i get back on it, how soft and oily my hair feels and how much healthier my scalp in general is.

Again, I don't know the science and am spitballing here, but I could hazard a guess that at least for your scalp, you've probably become accustomed to long-term inflammation, and for the first time in a while, your scalp is finally getting some relief. I would take it as a positive and stick with it.