Quicker hair loss than usual


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Hi everyone,

I have noticed around the age 20 some hair thinning and hair line receding.

I have been using Proscar for about 4.5 years now. I take a 5mg pill and I cut it to 4. I have also been taking daily vitamin pills since then.

After discovering this website 1.5 years ago, I've started using Nizoral 2% 2-3 times a week, and also apply Rogaine every morning around the forehead (this is where my hair loss is). I get lazy sometimes to put it before I go to bed, but definitely every morning after I shower. I wait about 5-10 minutes for my scalp to dry and than I apply the Rogaine.

This method has kept my hair very thick and strong over the past 1.5 years all over my scalp except upwards from my forehead where the hair line recedes and the hair is thin. At least I noticed slower hair loss over the years where it bothers me the most.

In the past several weeks, I have noticed the hair line on my forehead, and the sides next to my forehead recede drastically. I haven't changed any of the substances I use nor times of applying everything.

I dont know whether this is just a temporary situation, but my hair has never regrew around my forehead. All my hair loss treatment just slowed it down around that area extremely well over the years...until lately

I am getting depressed because of this, my forehead is getting bigger and bigger and I cant hide my hair loss very well lately.

All comments/advices are appreciated

Thanks so much!


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Is it possible that your hair is going through the shedding phrase before it grows out again?

If not, it's quite disappointing to hear for the rest of us that the big 3 hasn't worked for you in the long term. I've only just stated on Propecia so I can't share with you my own experience :(


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I sure hope its just a quick phase... after all it may just be genetics returning to remind me that they'll eventually win


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Did you notice any major shedding during the few years you were on Proscar on its own?

finasteride is suppose to more effective with those in the 20s than any other age group from what I've read so I do hope for you (and myself since I'm in my early 20s) that it's just a phase.