Quit Fina After 5 years.


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Well after having higher estrogen since starting Fina i decided to quit after 5 years of usage.

I have the same hair as when i started 5 years ago, nothing more mothing less "if anything i thinks its better".

Did it work for me? Who knows, maybe if i never took it i would still have the same hair count, or i could be bald.

Anyhow its been about 2 weeks since i stopped and i notice that i'm not shedding that much at the moment, not sure what thats all about.

Also i feel alot more horny and want to pound anything i see. My girlfriend lives out of town i havent truly tested any sex though.

If i see a dramatic change in my hair for the worse i will jump back on it.

For now though the higher estrogen, the cloudy brain and thinking, and the low sex drive need to go away.

Ill keep everyone posted.

For now i just use Nizoral,

Anything else i can do thats safe?

I tried rogaine and used it a year and didnt like it so i quit.


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tpeter said:
For now though the higher estrogen, the cloudy brain and thinking, and the low sex drive need to go away.

When you say "foggy thinking," do you mean that you are unable to concentrate at all? Or that you find that you find your thinking slowed, e.g., solving problems?


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Weepy said:
tpeter said:
For now though the higher estrogen, the cloudy brain and thinking, and the low sex drive need to go away.

When you say "foggy thinking," do you mean that you are unable to concentrate at all? Or that you find that you find your thinking slowed, e.g., solving problems?

Ever since i started Fina i have had a hard time focusing, it could perhaps be something else but my Doctor said higher estrogen in a male can cause that.


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tpeter said:
Ever since i started Fina i have had a hard time focusing, it could perhaps be something else but my Doctor said higher estrogen in a male can cause that.

I know it's only 2 weeks, but you didn't mention. Are you able to focus better now? Sorry for all the questions.


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I'm closing in on week 5 without finasteride. I noticed the same "cloudiness" that you've experienced. I havent noticed a reversal in my mental sharpness, but I havent noticed any shedding either, which is very good news in my book.


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Weepy said:
tpeter said:
Ever since i started Fina i have had a hard time focusing, it could perhaps be something else but my Doctor said higher estrogen in a male can cause that.

I know it's only 2 weeks, but you didn't mention. Are you able to focus better now? Sorry for all the questions.

Hard to tell right now because i am stressed out about moving to be closer to my family.

I live in Las Vegas now and have for the last 2 years. I am supposed to move to Charlotte NC in a few weeks and my anxiety and stress is very high.

So right now i cant focus on crap, all i think about is the pros and cons of moving.

The one thing i do notice for sure is my sex drive.

I was at the Las Vegas strip for the last week with my family who visited me out here and seeing all the hotties as we walked about was insane. I never felt so horny in years.

I would always get somewhat excited before seeing all the trim but this time i actaully would sprout some mild wood.


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tpeter said:
Anyhow its been about 2 weeks since i stopped and i notice that i'm not shedding that much at the moment, not sure what thats all about.
In about 2 months you will start to see all hell break loose. It takes awhile. According to the Propecia documentation, you will return to "baseline" over the next 12 months.

If i see a dramatic change in my hair for the worse i will jump back on it.
What happens today shows up in hair 1 to 3 months later, so expect it.

Anything else i can do thats safe?
I would highly recommend beginning a regimen of Revivogen & Topical spironolactone Lotion 5% from Dr. Lee's site right away to offset what is coming. If you genuinely were losing hair 5 years ago, you do not want to be quitting Propecia cold turkey.



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HairlossTalk said:
tpeter said:
Anyhow its been about 2 weeks since i stopped and i notice that i'm not shedding that much at the moment, not sure what thats all about.
In about 2 months you will start to see all hell break loose. It takes awhile. According to the Propecia documentation, you will return to "baseline" over the next 12 months.

If i see a dramatic change in my hair for the worse i will jump back on it.
What happens today shows up in hair 1 to 3 months later, so expect it.

[quote:04aa3]Anything else i can do thats safe?
I would highly recommend beginning a regimen of Revivogen & Topical spironolactone Lotion 5% from Dr. Lee's site right away to offset what is coming. If you genuinely were losing hair 5 years ago, you do not want to be quitting Propecia cold turkey.


Thanks HairLossTalk.com for the reply, I have a couple questions for you.

First - What do you mean by baseline? Do you mean i will be where i would be had i never taken propecia once? Or do you mean anything new grew will be lost putting me back to the way i looked 5 years ago?

Here is a little history of me.

I have always had fine hair and i noticed my hairline receded when i was about 19. It was weird, i just looked in the mirror one day and saw the recession. I was scared that i wouldnt make it to 21 without being bald. At 21 i was pretty much the same and even asked a Doctor if i should go on Propecia and he said that i was fine. Anyhow after about 3 more years i started becoming more paranoid and was thinking my hair was thinning more but never was quite so sure. I know that my frontal recession was not any worse because i have a freckle about a half inch from the top of my resession and that has never changed.

So later in the year of age 24 maybe even the begining of 25 i got Proscar and starting taking by cutting in 1/4.

Today i am 29 years old and have maintained my hair from when i started. Honestly though there was never a time i really noticed my hairloss happening but only when it was too late at age 19.

From 19 to 24 though there wasnt much change at all i just got on Finasteride to keep what i had without risking losing more.

I know my hair looks thicker today but i also grew my fine hair out and had it layered to give it that impression. No one even knows i have a problem unless i lifted up my hair and showed them my hairline.

Here is a picture of me back in April on a Cruise i went on.


What do you think HairLossTalk.com "or anyone"? Do you think perhaps i should do .5 a day or will this not help any?

Or see how i do off it since my loss never really was happening that fast before i started.


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tpeter said:
First - What do you mean by baseline? Do you mean i will be where i would be had i never taken propecia once? Or do you mean anything new grew will be lost putting me back to the way i looked 5 years ago?
Want the honest response? I have no idea! They say baseline, which implies "return to where you were when you started"... But they also say that hairs "protected" by Proepcia need Propecia to remain protected... which implies that you may have protected an increasing number of hairs over the 5 years. In that scenario, baseline will be worse than 5 years ago. There really is no way to tell. I am really sorry.

Anyhow after about 3 more years i started becoming more paranoid and was thinking my hair was thinning more but never was quite so sure.
My new mantra is to take pictures, pictures pictures. They are invaluable for this very reason.

I know that my frontal recession was not any worse because i have a freckle about a half inch from the top of my resession and that has never changed.
Ah yes... Ye ole photo backup plan. The facial permenant facial feature. I have a scar just inside my hairline which I use as my "sanity" pill every time I get concerned. I know once that scar is showing, im toast. Until then, no matter what my brain tells me, Im still doing ok.

What do you think HairLossTalk.com "or anyone"? Do you think perhaps i should do .5 a day or will this not help any?
Given this new information, here is my advice: You're going to see some shedding. Expect it. Lets say though, for example, that you never really were losing your hair in the first place. You go on finasteride for 5 years. Even in this scenario if you quit finasteride, you're going to knock some stuff out of whack for awhile. Your hair is going to respond a little. This is the evil of hair. Even if you don't have male pattern baldness, i would expect a shed after quitting 5 yrs of finasteride. So thats going to send you wild and you're going to freak out, and say "OMG i havent ever shed like this, even before I went on finasteride this didn't happen!" but it very well could be just that you now have a surge in DHT in your system (which you do) and your hair is gonna get a little wacko for a few months because of it. You could chill and let it settle down ... ride out whatever happens in the next 3 months and see how your shedding is doing at month 6 ... i have a feeling by then things will be hunky dory ... if you're not really experiencing male pattern baldness. If you are ... things will gradually continue to thin out as you reach month 6 and 8 and 10. So id say you can not make an educated and informed decision until at least 6 months has passed (for the reason mentioned above). A shed in 3 months could mean resuming of male pattern baldness or it could mean just response to current DHT surge. Simply put, there is absolutely no way to know for sure.

The good news? Lets say you have balls of steel and you can ride out the impending shed ... because you are *determined* to find out if its just a temporary thing or part of that whole 12 month downard spiral due to lack of finasteride. If you're able to do that, you may just find that things level out and you're fine as month 6 and 10 and 12 come and go... and you dont even need to go back on finasteride at all ...

To further compound this whole mess is the reality that guys hairlines change in their mid to late 20's even if they dont have male pattern baldness! Many guys have mature hairlines form, and never have to deal with excessive hair loss. It sure looks like it when it first forms though right? Ugh.

If you want, you can try 0.5mg finasteride ... i honestly tried that and it didnt do anything for my hair at all. When it was time to drop the stuff, I dropped it. Period. I was done feeling like crap and I was done with the side effects. I didnt want any in my system.

I know you hate topicals, but I really think if you get a dish of topical spironolactone and just apply it after a shower (its really REALLY easy to do it, even if you have a decent amount of hair) ... you will be doing yourself a favor. Then again, one dish is like $35 and it lasts about 3 weeks, so ... there's that whole money issue again.



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HairlossTalk said:
tpeter said:
First - What do you mean by baseline? Do you mean i will be where i would be had i never taken propecia once? Or do you mean anything new grew will be lost putting me back to the way i looked 5 years ago?
Want the honest response? I have no idea! They say baseline, which implies "return to where you were when you started"... But they also say that hairs "protected" by Proepcia need Propecia to remain protected... which implies that you may have protected an increasing number of hairs over the 5 years. In that scenario, baseline will be worse than 5 years ago. There really is no way to tell. I am really sorry.

Anyhow after about 3 more years i started becoming more paranoid and was thinking my hair was thinning more but never was quite so sure.
My new mantra is to take pictures, pictures pictures. They are invaluable for this very reason.

[quote:8c801] I know that my frontal recession was not any worse because i have a freckle about a half inch from the top of my resession and that has never changed.
Ah yes... Ye ole photo backup plan. The facial permenant facial feature. I have a scar just inside my hairline which I use as my "sanity" pill every time I get concerned. I know once that scar is showing, im toast. Until then, no matter what my brain tells me, Im still doing ok.

What do you think HairLossTalk.com "or anyone"? Do you think perhaps i should do .5 a day or will this not help any?
Given this new information, here is my advice: You're going to see some shedding. Expect it. Lets say though, for example, that you never really were losing your hair in the first place. You go on finasteride for 5 years. Even in this scenario if you quit finasteride, you're going to knock some stuff out of whack for awhile. Your hair is going to respond a little. This is the evil of hair. Even if you don't have male pattern baldness, i would expect a shed after quitting 5 yrs of finasteride. So thats going to send you wild and you're going to freak out, and say "OMG i havent ever shed like this, even before I went on finasteride this didn't happen!" but it very well could be just that you now have a surge in DHT in your system (which you do) and your hair is gonna get a little wacko for a few months because of it. You could chill and let it settle down ... ride out whatever happens in the next 3 months and see how your shedding is doing at month 6 ... i have a feeling by then things will be hunky dory ... if you're not really experiencing male pattern baldness. If you are ... things will gradually continue to thin out as you reach month 6 and 8 and 10. So id say you can not make an educated and informed decision until at least 6 months has passed (for the reason mentioned above). A shed in 3 months could mean resuming of male pattern baldness or it could mean just response to current DHT surge. Simply put, there is absolutely no way to know for sure.

The good news? Lets say you have balls of steel and you can ride out the impending shed ... because you are *determined* to find out if its just a temporary thing or part of that whole 12 month downard spiral due to lack of finasteride. If you're able to do that, you may just find that things level out and you're fine as month 6 and 10 and 12 come and go... and you dont even need to go back on finasteride at all ...

To further compound this whole mess is the reality that guys hairlines change in their mid to late 20's even if they dont have male pattern baldness! Many guys have mature hairlines form, and never have to deal with excessive hair loss. It sure looks like it when it first forms though right? Ugh.

If you want, you can try 0.5mg finasteride ... i honestly tried that and it didnt do anything for my hair at all. When it was time to drop the stuff, I dropped it. Period. I was done feeling like crap and I was done with the side effects. I didnt want any in my system.

I know you hate topicals, but I really think if you get a dish of topical spironolactone and just apply it after a shower (its really REALLY easy to do it, even if you have a decent amount of hair) ... you will be doing yourself a favor. Then again, one dish is like $35 and it lasts about 3 weeks, so ... there's that whole money issue again.


Once again thanks for the great reply,

I guess i will ride it out a few and see what happens. I know i have male pattern baldness but what boggles me is how i had that recession at the age of 19 and then not much of anything else after that for 5 years, perhaps some diffused thinning all over but without pictures its to hard to tell.

Also lets say the shed gets too bad and i jump back on Propecia after 6 months, will i regrow what i just lost and get back to where i a now, or will i just start maintaining again what my current state is.

thanks for the help.


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If there is't any other way to lower down a bit higher estrogen level in blood then quitting propecia ? I am also suffering with cloudy thinking and little lost in focusing power. If it's to do with estrogen level, then if it can be resolved in any other way ? Because i am on proscar from 10 months and i can't bear phycological setbacks of shedding hair again by quitting proscar, as i am in start of relation.

So question again is any other way to lower down level of estrogen without quitting proscar ?

Thanks a lot,


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ugem12 said:
If there is't any other way to lower down a bit higher estrogen level in blood then quitting propecia ? I am also suffering with cloudy thinking and little lost in focusing power. If it's to do with estrogen level, then if it can be resolved in any other way ? Because i am on proscar from 10 months and i can't bear phycological setbacks of shedding hair again by quitting proscar, as i am in start of relation.

So question again is any other way to lower down level of estrogen without quitting proscar ?

Thanks a lot,

I would go get a blood check done if you have insurance to make sure first. There are many i am sure that dont have higher estrogen as a side effect.

There are things you can take to lower estrogen but they are expensive and it probably isnt the best to take to counter act another drug.


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Just a thought, does physical activity like gym ect.. help controlling it ?


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ugem12 said:
Just a thought, does physical activity like gym ect.. help controlling it ?

people that are fat have higher estrogen "mostly belly fat" so if you got some gut i would try to get that down.


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Here is a little update.

This morning i woke up with a suprise, i had some morning wood like i was 18. I also was having a dream of banging some hot model so i dont know if this counts as true morning wood or not. Either way my sex drive is up big time.

I am becoming more paranoid about my hair though, i just had a bad haircut right before i quit which made it look thinner and not right, so that didnt help.


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spironolactone, looks to only be available through dr lee and via prescription? is this true?


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mgmt said:
spironolactone, looks to only be available through dr lee and via prescription? is this true?

got me man, i never used the stuff nor do i like adding anything to my longer hair.

Rogaine sucked, i used it for a year and when i quit i had ZERO shed or any loss after.