Quitting because I'm experiencing low libido ?


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Hi all,

My experience: on finasteride for 1 year and 2 months ( +minox5%)
It worked OK on me, I still experienced big sheddings ( and it's hard to tell what would be the result today without the treatment).

I experienced a SUDDEN loss of libido 10days ago. One day I was having sex multiple times during the day, and the day after I felt nothing... I was able to have sex but it was more difficult and I felt almost nothing during it ( strangest feeling ever ).

It scares me terribly and I'm really thinking about quitting. Did anyone experience the same thing ? Should I just ride it out ? Is there any way I can detect if this libido loss is due to thefinasteride itself (blood analysis etc ?) ?

Help would be greatly appreciated :)


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Talk to your doctor and get blood tests done. Major drops in testosterone could be the cause. I would not suspect that it would randomly happen after a year of treatment. Make damn sure that it is not psychosomatic before you quit finasteride.


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YeahI'll defgo see my doctor.
But for those who experienced low libido, did it happen overnight ? or could you feel it decreasing little by little ?

So I guess I'm going to have sheddings after I stop taking finasteride, right ? :( How long after I stop is it gonna happen ?


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i was on topical finasteride for over a month and my libido decreased little by little until i quit it then it returned to normal. My advise is get off it. I mean, Libido and sexual health is way more important man.