Quitting Minoxidil = byebye baseline. True or false?


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Well I have decided to stop the use of minoxidil foam and liquid. Although the foam was much better than the liquid with no dandruff/itching. The reason I quit is because I've noticed facial side effects as dark circles under eyes, wrinkles, bloating face and bags under eyes after using Kirkland minoxidil foam. And some of these side effects have been reduced by under one week off. I used Minoxidil once a day for about approximately 4 month (not consistent), and also Finasteride for approximately the same time, mayby a little longer (0,25 mg everyday). I have seen some results, but its not better than baseline(before I used minoxidil). I am quite aware of the horrible shedding I will experience in about 3 to 4 months after quitting minoxidil, but IMO it's better beeing bald and have a young face, than having a head full of hair and a crappy face. I have buzzed my hair short all this time I was on minoxidil, and hopefully Toppik will cover some of the shedding I will experience in a few months. Hope anyone can give their experience after quitting minoxidil. Will I recover to baseline after the post-minoxidil shedding phase? or is my hair doomed forever after started to use (IMHO) this crappy product (minoxidil)? Don't even try convincing me to stay on minoxidil. I will rather shave my head (looks much better than a thin scalp) than continue using minoxidil. Note that this is NOT a attempt to scare anyone from trying minoxidil. It's a great product for those who don't suffer from these side effects I have experienced. I also have ordered a new product called Spectral DNC-N. (N for Nanoxidil). I know I know it's a new product, not fully tested and different users review around the web. But I think it wouldn't harm trying it, shouldn't give the same side effects I had with minoxidil because theres no minoxidil in it. Unless theres someone on this form having a bad experience with nanoxidil? Thanks for any help and input Best wishes to y'all PS sorry for bad english ;P


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minoxidil doesn't do the side effects you said
it doesn't in the side effects list


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Yes in relation to your title question, once you quit Minoxidil after roughly 3 to 4 months off, your hair will shed lots and fall below baseline briefly, before recovering to the position it would have been had you not used minoxidil at all in the first place. As long as you don't mind keeping your hair short, it's nothing to worry about.


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yes, bye bye for sure. Give it 2-3 months.


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Can you do me a huge favor? Can you present three pictures of your face, one before using Minoxidil while it was not puffy and no under eye bags, one pic of your face while on minoxidil while it was puffy with large eye bags and one after quitting minoxidil with the puffiness and eye bags gone? Assuming you haven't gained any weight, this would prove some of the side-effects claims. It is entirely possible that minoxidil does cause these side effects and I'm not saying it is in your head as my eye bags have gotten worse and my face has gotten puffier since starting minoxidil a couple years ago, but I have attributed that to getting older. In your case, if the minoxidil was causing the problem, if the final pic shows your face all cleared up, it would prove that minoxidil does in fact cause these side effects and it's not a matter of getting older since your last pic will be of you at your oldest age. Please spend just a couple seconds taking a pic of your face now and take another pic in a few months and report back. I'm not holding my breath for those pics cause I'm betting they aren't coming, but it would be very interesting to see.