Quitting Rogaine Foam after using once a day for two months


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I'm 18 years old. I've been using rogaine for about two months now about once a day on one temple and a small thinning spot on my forelock. I didn't really use that much but for some reason i've been getting side effects, such as heart palpitations and facial water retention, especially under the eyes. I've also gone through a shedding phase and the areas where the foam was applied is a lot worse than baseline. I've decided to quit and I was wondering if I could stop cold turkey since I've already experienced a shed, I just don't want things to get even worse, I just want to return back to baseline, the hairs i shed with rogaine should grow back right?


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Yes, you can stop using it if you wish. If you are stopping because you are worried it will cause further loss, you shouldn't. Any effective hair loss treatment you go on will cause shedding at first, so you might as well get it over with now since you are already two months in.


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I'm more worried of the side effects im getting, so stopping right now should be fine or should i taper off it

Man in Space

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It will be fine to stop immediately, but before do just to say a lot of people experience some sides such as you described that soon disappear. If you are certain you dont want to carry on as you are, have you tried using a lower amount of it or perhaps using a weaker % minoxidil?

Just trying to give you a few options. All the best


New Member
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I was too pussy to quit because i was scared i was going to lose a lot of hair, well i eventually quit during sometime in May cold turkey, so far my hair loss hasnt changed that much, but its definitely gotten worse. It sucks having to go this at the age of 18, I don't even know if it's safe for me to go on propecia at this age

Bob Chylan

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i once quit rogaine after several months use (4-5 months)...and it severely screwed my hair up. i went from barely noticeable hairloss to rapidly thinning