raising T while recovering


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im thinking adding T boosting supplements like tongkat ali would this be a good idea? can it speed up recovery? been almost a week after quitting finasteride. im on zinc now like what enden advice.


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What exactly are you trying to treat right now? If you had side effects from Finasteride, you need to wait at least a couple weeks for your DHT levels to come back up and for things to return to normal. What makes you think you have low testosterone right now? You need to be patient, and as i've said 3 times now, stop freaking yourself out over all of this. If you stay as anxious as you are, you are never are going to get back to normal.

You seem to have already decided you will have persistent side effects, so your mind is going to make it so. You don't want that.


Established Member
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^almost a week off finasteride still no improvement not even a slight boner. i dont want to panic yet, but it would'nt hurt also if you help your body recover with supplement.


Senior Member
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ben760 said:
^almost a week off finasteride still no improvement not even a slight boner. i dont want to panic yet, but it would'nt hurt also if you help your body recover with supplement.

A week is not enough time. Give it at least a couple more. And stop worrying--when enough time has passed and you are suffering from sides then you can fret a bit, right now is not a good time. Who is to say worrying is not the cause of your lack of drive etc?