random bald spots...


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i am currently taking nizoral, nioxin, procepia (generic) and rogaine

i have noticed small random bald spots no bigger than a dime around my hair...(can upload pics of people are confused). They actually not completely bald, just looks like my hair is growing out slower in that area...kind of weird.

Any ideas what can be causing this guys? something i am taking?

to the lost

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can't say.. are they like small circles.. could be alopecia areata http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alopecia_areata

or if it is in the temple area then it could be just normal Androgenic alopecia (just in the early stages). the first is autoimune disorder (not treateble as far as i know) and usually not just on the top of the head (sides also), the second is "normal". but if your hair is growing, just smaller, than it is probably AA.

did you see dermatologist? what did he/she say?


New Member
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can't say.. are they like small circles.. could be alopecia areata http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alopecia_areata

or if it is in the temple area then it could be just normal Androgenic alopecia (just in the early stages). the first is autoimune disorder (not treateble as far as i know) and usually not just on the top of the head (sides also), the second is "normal". but if your hair is growing, just smaller, than it is probably AA.

did you see dermatologist? what did he/she say?

haven't seen a dermatologist, they are at random locations though. really isn't bald as there is hair growing just minimal hair. scheduled to see a doctor but I just wanted some input before hand...