Random itch spots, getting annoying !#%$


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For awhile I thought my random itch spot problem had faded away..

Now it's back again.. I'm into my 6th month on Propecia 1mg daily, and I really think that it has caused me this irritation/itching problem.

My hairline is intact, my vertex/crown is the thinning problem and where *most* of this random itchiness is coming from.. however there are times when I get some sharp itches on other parts of my head.

I've been using nizoral for months now, about 2x weekly, letting it sit for about 3 - 5 minutes each time. I also have been using Head & Shoulders (Dry Scalp formula), for a few weeks now, still haven't finished my first bottle.

Aside from that, I sometimes use Folligen spray and emu oil.
I'm thinking of cutting out the Folligen.

Any suggestions as to how I can get my scalp health back again? It's really annoying. I don't remember having this much itching (random as it is throughout the day) before I started taking Propecia.



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(I was kinda hoping somebody could help me devise a more effective regimine in regards to my shampoos) :wink:

Bone Daddy

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Random itching is a male pattern baldness thang.

I've been off nizoral a week now and my burning is gone, now I need a way to get rid of the itch spots.

I've heard Head and shoulders for dry scalp is good. Deaner and from the looks of it, a few more swear by the H&S line.

I am now going with nizoral only once a week, and I'm going to try H&S a.s.a.p.


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Yeah but I didn't have these itch spots before starting Propecia 6 months ago!

I gotta get my shampoo regimine in order.

Though last night I didn't follow up my shower with Folligen spray, and I had zero itching all night. All I used was H&S then went to bed.


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I would keep the H & S. It can only help the itching and will give you another avenue for regrowth without any extra effort.

You may want to try an anti-itch cream if it gets really bad.

What kind of shape is your scalp in?

The Gardener

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Buy some T/Gel 'Anti Itch' with Menthol shampoo, and cycle it in a few times a week.

Once you try it, and you dry off after your first shower with it, and your boner from how it will make your scalp feel calms down, then shoot me a reply to say thank you... you will LOVE ME after you use it!

Now, T/Gel Anti Itch has a topical anesthetic that masks the irritation, but to truly get rid of it long term you have some work to do. Scalp irritation is not a good thing, you really need to find the root cause of it. I would drop the H&S 'dry scalp' shampoo and try normal H&S shampoo. Give it a month. If the irritation continues, drop H&S altogether and perhaps just use the T/Gel? Or, perhaps drop the H&S and the T/Gel altogether.. your scalp might be itching from overmedication? Tinker with your shampoo mix. You have to give shampoo additions/subtractions a month before passing judgement, and it took me about 9 months to finally find a shampoo regimen that gave me scalp nirvana!! Cheers!


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Thanks guys,

Yeah I think I am going to get some T/Gel.

My overall scalp health is good, I would say, it's just the random itch spots.. which have calmed down these past few days since not spraying Folligen on my scalp.

There is one spot towards the back left of my crown, which is the most thin area, and it is actually tender to the touch, just about a fingertip's size though.. I think that is where the itch was concentrated the most.

Another question: If nizoral 1% is said to have regrowth properties of minoxidil 2%, does that mean that any hair regrowth that was stimulated by the nizoral, will be lost once nizoral use is discontinued? Does the same apply for any H&S stimulated [into growth] hairs?

Bone Daddy

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With me, dropping nizoral (for a week and a half now) has not only stopped the random irritated warm/pain spots, but decreased shedding, and the minor itch is slowly going away.

I used nizoral before I started finasteride, and had no problems.. but with finasteride my scalp must be too dry, or the 3 times out of 7 days thing is too much.

So the answers to your ?'s in my case at leas,t are no and no.

I still need something for the minor itching at random times. I also might just use nizoral one time a week for its anti-adrogen properties, we'll see.

I know one thing, I'm happier since dropping it. Deaner may be on to something after all.