Randomname's Story - (age 19)- 7 Month Update.


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My hair started falling out when I was 14/15. I would shower and lose 50-100 hairs, comb my hair and lose dozens. I really didn't think much of it though, my hair was thick etc, I put it down to stress and ignored it.

It continued though, and when I was 18 was when I really started to look into the problem. I went to visit a doctor during September 2009 (I was 18 at this time), and she refused to give me Propecia because of my age- she told me that my only option was "to go see a councilor if it was getting me down".

March 2010 (now 19), I went to visit a second doctor, who told me that I could use propecia, so I started to use that, and applied Regaine (5%) twice a day.

Starting picture (It's an awful picture, was shocked when I saw it):[attachment=5:3uaygj0h]Month 0 Frontal view.jpg[/attachment:3uaygj0h]

Was taken at the doctors, with a different camera than the rest of the photos.
6 month pictures:
[attachment=4:3uaygj0h]Month 6 Left temple view.jpg[/attachment:3uaygj0h]
There are very very thin hairs growing around the bottom of the temple here. I'm hoping they will grow longer/ thicker. can also see the skin is flakey where the regaine is being used.
[attachment=3:3uaygj0h]Month 6 Right temple view.jpg[/attachment:3uaygj0h]
Again, can see some small hairs growing at the temple/hairline.
[attachment=2:3uaygj0h]Month 6 Top view.jpg[/attachment:3uaygj0h]
The hair is much thinner on top now than it was 6 months ago, you just cannot see it well here. Will try get some new pics showing this.
[attachment=1:3uaygj0h]Month 6 Front view.jpg[/attachment:3uaygj0h]

When styled:
It looks alright after I mess around with it I guess, but it still makes me feel so depressed and self conscious.

I have experienced nothing from using the meds so far really. I continue to lose large amounts of hair every day. Some days it does feel like less is falling out, but then others I will still lose many. I've had no side effects either. There are small, thin hairs growing around the hairline/temple area (which is where I use the regaine), but they're very sparse and useless really.

My doctor said within the next 3 months is when most see some benefits, so I'm really hoping to see some changes soon..


  • Month 0 Frontal view.jpg
    Month 0 Frontal view.jpg
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  • Month 6 Left temple view.jpg
    Month 6 Left temple view.jpg
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  • Month 6 Right temple view.jpg
    Month 6 Right temple view.jpg
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  • Month 6 Top view.jpg
    Month 6 Top view.jpg
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  • Month 6 Front view.jpg
    Month 6 Front view.jpg
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  • hairdone.jpg
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Re: My story (age 19)

Few questions,

how long your on propecia?
does anyone else in your family is bald/ing?
do you still experience hair-loss in the shower? or when you run your hand in your hair.?

you hair looks very thick and healthy, but if you say that you experience hair loss then you just might caught that in time you lucky bastard :)


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Re: My story (age 19)

Ori83 said:
Few questions,

how long your on propecia?
does anyone else in your family is bald/ing?
do you still experience hair-loss in the shower? or when you run your hand in your hair.?

you hair looks very thick and healthy, but if you say that you experience hair loss then you just might caught that in time you lucky bastard :)

Have been on it for 6 months now.

My dad has a receding hairline and slight thinning on the top of his head (he is 50 though..). My mum also loses tons of hairs, and her hair is really thin (she's 40). My grandad (my mum's dad) has hair only at the sides and back now (he's about 60 or so).

I still lose many hairs when showering (30+) and when i run my hand through my hair.


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Re: Randomname's Story - (age 19)

well if it runs in your family, and you say you experiencing some hair loss, then just get on he big 3 right away... that what i would do looking back now.... i really hope it will help you stop the hair loss, keep us updated!
(6 months tho its not enough, i think some member here said that they noticed change after 1 year sometimes.. either way, if its falling you got nothing to lose, just keep going on the pill)