Rank products/medication in terms of shedding


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From what I've read on this board it appears that most hair loss treatments cause at least a little bit of shedding.

It seems that minoxidil causes the most.

Can you take a few moments and rank hair care products/medications in terms of shedding?

Does spironolactone cause shedding? What about tricomin and folligen?


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everyone's different....I never experienced shedding when starting finasteride or minoxidil.
Between this post and the "are we turning into women" thread you sound a little paranoid.
Stop concentrating on the bad things that can happen you're gonna give yourself an ulcer. :)


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Nah, I'm just trying to inform myself as much as possible.

I'm like a sponge when it comes to data. I want to gather as much as possible.

That women's thread was just for laughs.

The Gardener

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Minoxidil caused me flaking and irritation for about 2-3 weeks, and then it went away, completely. I think that over time your scalp starts to become accustomed to the minoxidil and the flaking subsides, that and Nizoral usage stopped the flaking completely.

spironolactone did not cause any shedding when I introduced it, but when I quit spironolactone for about two months I shed a lot and got back on.


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spironolactone is the only product I haven't read much negative material about. It always seems to get a positive review. If finasteride doesn't work out for me spironolactone is definitely #2 on my list. In fact, I'm considering just doing spironolactone first and holding off on the finasteride.

What do you think?

Also, what's your opinion of copper peptides and products that provide them?

The Gardener

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spironolactone definitely has a downside... it is a topical. This means that, just like minoxidil, you have to factor in an additional ten minutes for your regimen time each and every day if you are to use it. And if you use it along with minoxidil, then that means 15-20 minutes for both of them.

Outside of that it's a fantastic product, a very serious anti-androgen.


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Gardener, may I say you have the BEST avartar EVER!!!

p.s Brasil won today 4 to 1!!!

Tony Montana


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The Gardener said:
...just like minoxidil, you have to factor in an additional ten minutes for your regimen time each and every day if you are to use it. And if you use it along with minoxidil, then that means 15-20 minutes for both of them.

You spend 10 minutes on aps? How? I spend maybe 20 seconds....I know I go way to fast..but 10 minutes!?


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cassin said:
The Gardener said:
...just like minoxidil, you have to factor in an additional ten minutes for your regimen time each and every day if you are to use it. And if you use it along with minoxidil, then that means 15-20 minutes for both of them.

You spend 10 minutes on aps? How? I spend maybe 20 seconds....I know I go way to fast..but 10 minutes!?

2 more things I forgot to ask.

Which dropper to you use for your aps? Dr Lee's or other?

How much space are you leaving between drops?

LOL........I'm starting to think I am seriously doing something wrong if I am so fast.

The Gardener

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Ah ha! Getting fast on us, are you? lol

Actually, when I say 15-20 minutes, I am not just referring to the time spent putting it on, but moreso the time needed for the whole additional process. That is, getting it out, measuring the dropper pull, wiping the dropper... then application, then the time spent moving gingerly around as to let it dry without running. The addition of the spironolactone requires a few extra minutes to allow the spironolactone to dry just a bit before the minoxidil is applied on top.

I'm still using the Rogaine dropper with the Rogaine, and the Dr Lee dropper with the Dr Lee... but I must honestly say that I have and still am considering using the Dr Lee droppers with BOTH. The Dr Lee dropper has a smaller caliber and has a narrow, pointed tip. I am much more accurate with my dropper drips, and it does not dribble out the end an inopportune moments as much as the Rogaine dropper does.

I try to leave many many droplets, about a half inch apart, if possible. As I don't massage it in for the morning apps, I figure I have to use my dropper skills to ensure thourough coverage. In the evenings, with the Rogaine dropper, I do the corn row part and drip 'er in as I don't have to worry so much about how it looks.

And Tony... the avatar is for you buddy.. a pic from last World Cup. And I watched the game yesterday, it took them a period to figure Costa Rica out, but once they did it was pure dominance. Damn, Adriano is quick and what a deke he put on the goalie for his first goal. Chugcha, I hope Bolivia gets through!