Rapid hair loss...please see..advise needed


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I am really confused now. One year ago, I had the thickest of hair. I started losing (or actually started noticing it) hair in February of this year rather rapidly. I have thinning in the front and on the top of the head in the vertext area. The frontal thinning is fine..I can live with it. But the vertex thinning is rather dramatic. I have to comb over to hide the thinning area. I really don't understand why this is happening all of a sudden. I started Propecia 20 days ago but I am still losing hair (same as before).

When I comb, I lose some hair from the front (5-6) but everytime I run the comb through the vertex area 2-3 hairs come off. I take a shower every two days with nizoral (doing that for the last 2 months) and my hair gets really oily in two days again and I have a slight pulling sensation in the vertex. I am starting to get despondent. Is there anything else I can do regarding stoppping my hair loss. Please let me know.

One other weird thing is, the loss on the vertex seems weird..I am enclosing pictures...it looks like the loss is proceeding backward instead of forward. There are two albums one from July and one today..


As you can see the hair loss on the vertex is certainly worse than it was.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.



Established Member
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I don't see any hairloss. You're pulling the hair away in your vertex where the hair is SUPPOSED to split- every guy has this. You might look a bit thin there, but it's normal.

Your hairline looks fine too.

What are you worried about?

Molecular Help

Established Member
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I see some hair loss, but I wouldn't call it rapid based on what you said. I notice it but if I wasn't losing hair myself and aware of the early signs, I wouldn't.

Hairline didn't look bad though. You say it's thinning but in the pic there's no sign of it.

You are a good candidate for success with propecia. You caught it early and it's mostly noticible in the back, where propecia works best.

Good Luck


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it should be noted that males that don't have male pattern baldness do develop what is known as a mature hairline when they are get older , say 17 years of age to maybe 25. The hairline receeds a bit and then that's it it's like that till death


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well..I see it

The reason I say it is rapid is last year by this time, there was not sign of any hairloss and now I can see it. In front my hair covers it near the temple areas...but if I pull it back, there is definite thinning. In the back it is more obvious..I comb my hair from the top of my head towards my back where the thinning is to cover the visible scalp in the vertex. I am hoping that Propecia will work. I am also going to buy flax seed oil supplements and take B-complex. Hopefully that should help too.

Thanks for your advise.


Senior Member
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well the good news is I'm sure nobody else can tell your losing your hair except you. Unfortunatly it sucks when you first realize you have male pattern baldness.
Give Propecia plenty of time to work. Don't expect results for at least 4 months. Those results will not be complete regrowth either. It's going to take time.
you mentioned that you shower every two days and your hair is oily by then. You may want to wash it every day then. Rotate your nizoral with another non medicated shampoo and every third day use nizoral. Use a good conditioner too.
Don't worry about the flax or B complex yet. If anything maybe start on 2% minoxidil on the vertex twice daily.
Your still in the early stages of hairloss and it should work very well for you. However, you have to give it time and don't dwell on it. Being on Propecia puts you way ahead of the game already.
The best thing you can do is keep your regimen as simple as possible, especially since your still in the very early stages. Another thing is be patient and don't examine your scalp or count hairs every day. That'll just make you crazy and upset.
