Rapid thinning in the fron


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I am 34. I noticed my hairloss a couple of months ago at the most, but it has progressed rapidly. My problem is my frontal hairline. I am currently about a Norwood 2+. I have the M pattern big time. My center front patch of hair has always been narrow and my templar recession is much higher on my head than most. Does anybody know if Propecia will work on my templar region seeing as it is so high up. I know Propecia doesn't work generally on the temples, but mine are so high up, making the hair in between the templar regions very narrow. My recession on the temples is actually going inward and eating away at my widow's peak as well as going back toward the crown. Am I not a good candidate for Propecia or Rogain due to the speed at which this is all happening. Less than a week ago things were ok, but the change since then has been dramatic in the front since then. I keep hearing about how people have been going bald for years. Does the speed with which this is all progressing surprise anyone? Please help.


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Propecia and minoxidil usually won't grow much hair at all on slick bald areas so if you're looking to lower your hair line chances are that won't happen.
They will thicken up and fill in where you still have some hair(see my pics).

When i started my regimen I had been losing my hair for about 10 years but about a month before I started the "big 3" it seemed like it was goin faster than normal. Probably because there wasn't a lot left and any loss seemed like a lot.
My advice would be to get on the big 3 (Propecia, 5% minoxidil, Nizoral shampoo) and stick with it. Don't change it up unless there is some sort of problem. Take some pictures now, then another set at month 4-6. Read some articles/posts here and try to educate yourself as much as you can on hair loss and treatments so you'll know what to expect from your regimen. Hope this helps.


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I appreciate the advice and I am going to take it. I guess at this point I am just trying to put a hold on things as much as possible.