Rate My Balding (pics) And Thoughts On Transplant


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Have naturally big forehead. Have actually had high temples for as long as I remember. Altough my V- shpe was less sharp before 18 perhaps. It has not been a rapid loss of hairline. But now i feel like i would benefit from a transplant. At least im thinking about it. Not taking any Finasteride. I dont think a straight hairline either, just make the V-shape more soft with FUE. What do you guys say? I am 25



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About NW3, I'm also 25 similar loss to yours, slightly less.

I just had a transplant, I would get one if I was you.

Breaking Bald

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Have naturally big forehead. Have actually had high temples for as long as I remember. Altough my V- shpe was less sharp before 18 perhaps. It has not been a rapid loss of hairline. But now i feel like i would benefit from a transplant. At least im thinking about it. Not taking any Finasteride. I dont think a straight hairline either, just make the V-shape more soft with FUE. What do you guys say? I am 25


You are still pretty young, most ethical clinics would not want to operate on you without further stabalisiation via propecia. The obvious risk is using too much donor hair when you may recede to a NW7 for example. Do your relatavies have any loss? What norwoods did they end on?


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You are still pretty young, most ethical clinics would not want to operate on you without further stabalisiation via propecia. The obvious risk is using too much donor hair when you may recede to a NW7 for example. Do your relatavies have any loss? What norwoods did they end on?

My maternal grandfather is bald. But i dont care about having hair in my 30s or 40s. I'll just shave it off then. What is bad is balding in your 20s


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Okay. What was the cost? How many grafts did you make?

I had 2700 grafts and had my temple points done too. 2000 Euro for me.

If cost is not a factor you have many options for top tier surgeons in Europe or North America.

If you're a tight *** like me & want a bargain then Turkey is your best bet.


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You are still pretty young, most ethical clinics would not want to operate on you without further stabalisiation via propecia. The obvious risk is using too much donor hair when you may recede to a NW7 for example. Do your relatavies have any loss? What norwoods did they end on?

I understand that you inherit hair loss patterns but does that mean you inherit how quickly you go bald as well?