Raul Meireles from Chelsea... Work done?


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Did Meireles have a transplant? hair peice?

Him a year ago with Liverpool.

Him today in Chelsea's CL win


He went from a NW4 diffuse to what looks like a very thick head of hair.


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He's always being thin at the front and buzzing it down made it look worst, I don't think he had anything done, imo.


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A very thick head of hair? :shock:
Just looks like he grew it out to me, maybe got a very slight improvement with meds but not a hair transplant.
As Rooney found out it would be practicaly impossible for any premier league player to get away with having a hair transplant undetected.


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I seen him on tv a few weeks back joking about the mohawk covering up his balding and joked to a journalist that he should follow him to hide his baldness.

Think Meireles looks a lot like Peter Krause.


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He has thin temples...with the mohawk it is stll shaved at the temples...he just looks much more stupid with it....


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Stumbled upon this vid.. Man asks a question about his unusual hairstyle, comments about how the reporter has the same "problem" as him and points to his receding temples, then goes red from embarassment. :shakehead:
That was from September..
He has got a hair transplant since???


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I think he's just grown his hair in/out (can never get that phrase right) from a shaved head and decided to go for a mohawk to lessen the effect of a receding hairline.
A mohawk can really lessen the effects of a receding hairline especially if you are NW3/4 only probem with it is not everyone can get away with it/suit it and it always feels like it's a doo that you can only have for a few months.


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Still amazes me (depresses me!) that even these guys on millions can't do much about their hair loss. Guess propecia /minoxidil probably isn't that successful for Meireles.

I do wonder though, wouldn't a more normal hair cut, like maybe just buzzed to grade 4 or cut short make it look a lot better? He's thinning at the temples but so are loads of guys who don't look so bad with the right haircut?


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gh05 said:
Still amazes me (depresses me!) that even these guys on millions can't do much about their hair loss.

They could if they did a proper research. What sort of research you reckon Rooney did before he went to Harley Street Clinic? Probably spent a few hours looking at websites that showed up on google. I doubt he had a look into any of the forums like this one, if he had he would have had his transplant done in the US or Belgium, maybe in India.

With his money he could have had an extensive FUE+BHT transplant (or two) that probably could eliminate the need to use stuff like nanogen.


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997 said:
gh05 said:
Still amazes me (depresses me!) that even these guys on millions can't do much about their hair loss.

They could if they did a proper research. What sort of research you reckon Rooney did before he went to Harley Street Clinic? Probably spent a few hours looking at websites that showed up on google. I doubt he had a look into any of the forums like this one, if he had he would have had his transplant done in the US or Belgium, maybe in India.

With his money he could have had an extensive FUE+BHT transplant (or two) that probably could eliminate the need to use stuff like nanogen.

I'm sure he went to a good hair transplant surgeon with his money who would have advised him of the best procedure. BHT probably wouldn't look very natural. Especially withRooney who has a lot of hair loss at a young age.

With Meireles then the same problems are faced as with anyone else with a receded hairline - as he has mostly thinning at the temples then if that was transplanted then further hair loss could mean he's left with hair there and bald patches elsewhere...the same old 'it's better to wait and see what the genetic pattern will be'....the celelbrities don't have much better resources than the normal person really - apart from they can pay for consultations with ease and catch it earlier i suppose where as the average person will just obsess about whether it's getting worse.


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gh05 said:
I'm sure he went to a good hair transplant surgeon (...)

I disagree, there are only a few top class hair transplant surgeons in the world. The place Rooney went to does not even name who is the main doctor there.

gh05 said:
BHT probably wouldn't look very natural.

No way of knowing now. However I've posted a few photos in the thread about Dr. A. Does the end result look unnatural to you?

Especially withRooney who has a lot of hair loss at a young age.

Like I said, no way of knowing now.

With Meireles then the same problems are faced as with anyone else with a receded hairline - as he has mostly thinning at the temples then if that was transplanted then further hair loss could mean he's left with hair there and bald patches elsewhere

One transplant may not be enough. Nothing new.

...the same old 'it's better to wait and see what the genetic pattern will be'....

With Meireles there's no need to wait. It's pretty clear where this is going to end. Also, hair density may be measured, so the pattern can be easily established.

the celelbrities don't have much better resources than the normal person really - apart from they can pay for consultations with ease and catch it earlier i suppose where as the average person will just obsess about whether it's getting worse.

What? Celebrities could hire a person (for a fraction of their earnings) to browse the net and forums to find the best solution and when the best surgeon and procedure are found they could afford it with ease. It will take 40k euro or more to fix my hairloss, I can't simply afford that at the moment. It's a lot of money for someone who's not a celebrity, successful enterpreneur or a banker. For Rooney or Meireles 40k is nothing.

The consultations are usually free anyway or cost something like 100 pounds/euro, not a fortune.