Re-start on propecia


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Hello guys!!I started on propecia(sorry,i take proscar)a few time ago.Now I think I´m regretting it because I have many hair now and i´m not sure if my hairloss its caused by male pattern baldness(although my father is bald,but i´m so young and the hairloss it´s only in my temples)or because of a seborreic illness(oil and scalp irritation,it´s there where I loss hair).The point is that i don´t know if "save" propecia for the next years or to continue with it.What you think?have anybody of you stop taking propecia and later restarted on it?Your experiences will be appreciated.Sorry for my english.Thanks a lot.


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You can't "save" propecia.. it doesn't lose its effectiveness. Merely that it cannot protect all of your hair, so the earlier you use it the better.

If you're not use if you have male pattern baldness, go see your doctor! Get all the tests done, skin tests, blood tests, all that.. then you won't have doubt in your mind!

So the moral? GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR or specialist..


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Fran said:
Hello guys!!I started on propecia(sorry,i take proscar)a few time ago.Now I think I´m regretting it because I have many hair now and i´m not sure if my hairloss its caused by male pattern baldness(although my father is bald,but i´m so young and the hairloss it´s only in my temples)or because of a seborreic illness(oil and scalp irritation,it´s there where I loss hair).....

99.99% of the time it is male pattern baldness. Wishfull thinking on your part thinking it might not be, but we all wish it wasn't at first. Just your temples? Imagine what it would be like had you never started. Your doing the right thing, keep taking it. Regardless, if there is any doubt on what to do, do what Rage said, see a Doctor and keep taking it until he/she says so.

If the Doctor says to stop taking it, pray they have the slightest clue what male pattern baldness is all about, most DO NOT.


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Rage said:
You can't "save" propecia.. it doesn't lose its effectiveness. Merely that it cannot protect all of your hair, so the earlier you use it the better.

what do you mean it cant protect all of your hair? and dont you think if youre on finasteride you will still bald after a few years? i.e. loss of effectiveness in practical terms?