read this!


Experienced Member
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Hello everyone!Please read this:
"However European drug inserts make it clear that it is essential that women should not come into contact with finasteride, either by ingestion, physical contact or from the blood or sperm of their partners.

There is a link between finasteride and the deformation of male babies in the womb. This is too serious in my view to constitute it as a legitimate hair-loss treatment. Yet, there is a similar "natural" drug that is also used to help prevent testosterone-DHT convertion that is virtually side effect free, it is Saw Palmetto."

Is really true about the deformation of baby?If you want to take this at 20 and u're decided to have a baby at 28...what should you do?you'll stop tacking the pills for a while but maybe the effects will remain in your body...

Another question:Is this saw palmetto really good?In which products can i find it?Thanks!


Established Member
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Saw P, is a "natural produced" chemical that works as a bad version of finasteride. It lowers the DHT levels much less and it effects a lot of other stuff that finasteride don't do.

Natural nuts love SP just because it's natural, but they usually don't know anything how it works or stuff like that. There are few studies about SP, but the general consensus is that it works like I said above.

About the deformation of babies, well, that's not been shown in studies. And I think I take a docs word over some internet-knowitall. Of course your lady should not touch your pills, but the dose that comes out in your semen or blood would probably do no harm because the "finasteride-levels" in the liquid would probably extremely low. There are many dudes on this forum and other forums that have got healthy babies. If men on finasteride had started to get deformed babies in an above average ratio, I presume this would be well know. Deformed babies are usually something that are looked well into, and guys on finasteride would probably tell about their finasteride-use to their docs if they got deformed babies.