reading my nizoral bottle..


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i noticed that it says to use 2 or 3 times a week at first and aferwards only once every one or two weeks...!!!!! that's what i'm thinking. 3 times a week is too much!!!!

Bone Daddy

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Some people have and do 3 times easily. I am however, not one of them.. it makes me itch to use it 3 times a week. I am currently experimenting with 2 times a week. Later, I'll ad T-Sal. If your not having itching or irritation.. then don't worry.


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I stopped using it a week ago and instead used just H&S 2in1 conditioner, and my flakes are gone, my shedding's gone, I don't even get the same relieving feeling from massaging my head anymore. All that built-up tension that massaging seemed to release before is totally gone. I'm gonna lay off the Nizoral for a long time, see how that works out for me... But I agree that nizoral 2-3x a week every week seems excessive.

Bone Daddy

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Yea, good point Deaner.. since I've been off the nizoral as much, my hairs in the shower seem to have decreased by 1/2.


The Gardener

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jimmystanley said:
i noticed that it says to use 2 or 3 times a week at first and aferwards only once every one or two weeks...!!!!! that's what i'm thinking. 3 times a week is too much!!!!

Once every one or two weeks might be ok for someone suffering from dandruff, but I think the multiple times/week advice should be heeded for male pattern baldness sufferers. Dr Lee suggests this as well.

If you find Nizoral irritating, then I would definitely drop the frequency, but for a newbie who has no adverse reactions to it, I would stick to my advice to them to use it 2 or 3 times a week.


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I've been using it at least 3 times a week for 6 months or more and never had a problem. In fact, I used it 5 or 6 times a week back in the spring when my scalp was really bothering me and it helped out great without causing any irritation of it's own.


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Nizoral doesn't do much for me. I have to use it every other day, otherwise my scalp flares up and I have huge CHUNKS of dermatitis and horrible dandruff.

Has anyone tride selenium sulfide? I just got some, but its making my hair fall out more...