Ready for a hair transplant?


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I am a 26 year old that has unsuccessfully tried a number a treatments.

a) Propecia for 1.5 years with minimal stability and noticable sexual sides.
b) Rogaine for 4 years with regrowth in early stages but now off propecia am losing what I have gained

I feel with 2000-2200 grafts in a FUE I can achieve a full frontal hair line. I have a consultation with Dr. Rahal in Toronto in 3 weeks and will keep you all posted to what he says. I have very thick donor hair and am fully willing to get another hair transplant in 5-10 years if needed.

Attached are pics with and without flash ( It is amazing the difference that flash makes!)


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New Member
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I am no expert and have no experience, but I would not get a hair transplant if I were you. Based on what I have seen, your hair will most likely continue to fall out. In which case, even if the hair transplant is successful, you will only have good result for a few years. After which, you may be left with bizzare patches of hair where the transplants were put in. In addition, you run the risk of scaring which may prevent you from simply shaving the hair off in the future.


New Member
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Thx for the response. IMO there is no issue with scarring with a FUE.

To address the issue of having hair continue to fall out; that is a constant in any hair loss sufferer. I think the key is for the doctor to properly account for future hairloss and leaving enough donor hair to do a touch up down the road.

I am also willing to get on a low dose finasteride should I go this route to help maintain the hair transplant and keep a good result for the near-mid future.


Established Member
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Looks to me that you could use about 50% hair replaced today in a hair transplant now to "fill in the gaps" and have a full head of hair. Then after a couple more years as your DHT sensitive hair falls you have room to once again "fill in the gap" of lost hair for a life long head of worry free hair. This is the route I plan to take anyway, so I say GO FOR IT.


Senior Member
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If you're maintaing I'd just leave it otherwise be very very conservative with a hair transplant.