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Although I just signed up, I’ve been following the forum for many years.

I’m 47, below picture show my Norwood. Crown is thin but filled in. I treated with Propecia for 15 years, then saw palmetto for another 5 years, I completely stopped everything for the last 7 years. Unfortunately due to prostate complications from Propecia, I am unable to take any ant-antigens (another story and outside of the scope of this thread).

So, I’ve been wearing a hat for the better part of the past 5 years, ignoring the fact that I am going bald. It’s not about embarrassment, it’s about confidence, I feel fine going out with hair loss, I just feel better and have more fun in life when I feel like I have a full head of hair, a baseball cap does that for me.

Anyway, I have been looking at this forum and have made the following decisions:

I would rather go FUE and FUT, can’t risk the scar and not really fond of the idea of the strip.
I am looking to restore a hairline, not so interested in density; my hair since I was 16 has always been very very thin on top (compared to very very thick on the sides). So thin does not bother me in the least.
Expense is also not a concern, and should be excluded from any advise.

Here is what I need help in choices:

I am in Orlando Florida and can drive (far if I have to) but not fly. From what I have read Dr Cole in Atlanta is my best choice for FUE (driving distance) as its only 8 hours away and besides Shapiro (too far to drive) that’s my best choice. If this correct? Are there better choices?
I sent my pictures in for an online consolation and they recommended 2500-3000, they want Dr Cole to do the procedure all in one day (which I heard not such a great idea). I also am not sure how I am going to handle sitting for 8 hours in a chair. They asked what I wanted to see, I told them restore frontal hairline and work their way back. Does it look like I need 2500-3000 graphs?
I’ve read that full hair has 1250 hairs (625 Follicular units) per sq inch (6.25 sq cm), so 25% minimum which is 300 hairs (150 Follicular units) per sq inch (6.25 sq cm) is sufficient. So I measure the area that I have NO HAIR, it’s an oval about 3’’ x 5’’, 15’’x.8= 12 sq inches. At 150 grafts per sq inch it seems that 1800 should cover the balding area at 25%. I read somewhere at over 250 graphs per inch starts to cause some to fail, so even at 250 per sq inch that’s 3000, so I can see where the numbers come from.
What density is recommended in front and the rest? Should I request a particular density in front and in back?
I’d really rather not do so many, just cause Im not sure I would hold up to the hours sitting that long and the trauma to the head (I have other connective tissue problems), but it seems that to cover the sq inches, I don’t have much of a choice at my current state, true?
Cole offers ACELL, PRP and the new BIOD after surgery; any success or other info on those is appreciated.


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Welcome Tangled. I hope this does not sound self serving, but first it might be interesting to hear Doctor Cole's ideas pertaining to your personal hair transplant objective(s)? I don't know if you would be able to indulge this curiosity in order for us to better assist you. It makes a little more sense to me if we have both yours and his expectations disclosed before you commit to your hair transplant. Thanks for sharing and all the best.


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Welcome Tangled. I hope this does not sound self serving, but first it might be interesting to hear Doctor Cole's ideas pertaining to your personal hair transplant objective(s)? I don't know if you would be able to indulge this curiosity in order for us to better assist you. It makes a little more sense to me if we have both yours and his expectations disclosed before you commit to your hair transplant. Thanks for sharing and all the best.

They never offered an opinion, simply asked what I was looking for and made a suggestion of approximate number of grafts. Keep in mind this was simply an online consultation, you send in photos and they provide a basic analysis based on what they see.

I've noticed in alot of doctor reports that they seem to be leaning towards the direction of the patient, which is good in one respect cause you look like you want to, not the Doctor, but bad in another if you are making bad decisons.


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Well maybe this proposal is unrealistic, but it won't hurt to request a physical examination/evaluation with the good doctor. After all surgery is no light matter and anyway you won't get an accurate assessment over the telephone. If this is inconvenient for you then I understand. If it's a matter of dealing with a surgeon who may be unwilling to schedule a pre-surgery consultation, then I would seek one who is willing, sensible, and sensitive enough to go the distance. Good luck.