reaffirming HLTs saw palmetto theory


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just thought i'd drop a line to say that i was avid user of saw palmetto from the start of my treatment five months ago. I used it for the first four months in addition to my propecia regimen. Just wanted to say that mentioned that many, well actually he used the term 100 percent, of the people on saw palmetto shed while on it and after discontiuning it 100 percent stopped shedding. I am almost at month 5 and since stopping saw palmetto i went from regular shedding (not massive shedding but i always saw hairs lying around me and always saw at least one or two in the shower) to very little shedding. The test today was the ol' put my hair over a sheet of white paper and mess with my hair for about 20 seconds. Before stopping the saw, i would always get at least ten hairs, and today i only got one, which is probably pretty normal if you hadn't showered for nine hours and didn't have male pattern baldness. So for those of you on saw palmetto, and are still shedding, i recommend stopping it for at least three months and see what happens.

as a side note, i think my hair has definitely improved a lot, i think about hair loss a lot less, though still do too much. Hair still isn't where i want it to be, but i'm only on month 5. I pray that month 10 will give me what i need to maintain for seven or so years to be hairloss thought free.

what do you think guys? am i setting too high of goals for month 10? or should i just try and live with what i have now. If i just doubled the results i had in the first five months i think i would be a happy man. at least i spike my hair up now like i used to before noticing loss, rather than the shitty hair down look, so that's a start i guess. but i go through bad and good days like everyone else i think. But for the newbies, stick with this stuff guys, it does work, and results don't happen overnight.


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To clarify: 100% of the people who I saw post that they had prolonged sheds on Saw P posted that it all stopped when they stopped the herb. Likewise 100% of the people who I saw post that they went on finasteride did not have such extreme or long term shedding and were doing well after a few months hair-wise.


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sorry didn't mean to put words in your mouth, just wanted to say thanks for the good advice on saw palmetto, i think its doing me good (so far).

I need five more months of the results i've had so far, please don't stop regrowing!!!!!!! i could probably live my life with maintenance, but i would still obsess i think.


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I don't understand, are you saying that you shedded while on Saw and now you don't, but still you think your hair has improved? Do you call shedding improvement?

Has Saw P done you good or bad - can't tell from your post.


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Buffboy said:
Has Saw P done you good or bad - can't tell from your post.

I thought it was pretty clear :)
He quit using Saw Palmetto and his shedding has reduced.


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it may be confusing to you because i said i had success. but all the while i was getting some decent regrowth, i was still shedding. when i stopped saw palmetto, my daily hairloss has slowed down. thus, i attribute my success exclusively to propecia, and part of my shedding periods to saw palmetto


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Okay. Just didn't know you were on finasteride at the same time. Thanks for clearing that up.


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I think another confusing issue is that we often correlate shedding with being a positive sign. The difference here is I have yet to hear of someone report shedding on SP and then report results afterwards. I always just hear that they're shedding, shedding shedding. So this is the distinction I've made in my head about it.