Really bad dream I had last night


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I dreamed I was a male stripper at a gay club, trying to make some money since men pay more than women do. But it was really embarrassing because as I walked around in my speedo asking men if they wanted lap dances, I discovered that 80% of the men there were straight. They were just there to sniker at the gay men, and were laughing at me. Finally I found an older gay couple that looked a bit well to do. They liked my body, but wanted me to do stuff I refused to do. Then they started talking about my muscle size and other flaws and stated that although I look good, I just don't look THAT good, and that they were not going to pay to just look. They made me feel like I was asking for a handout or something or trying to use them. They asked me if I had a job. So all embarrassed, I walked out of there and decided that the stripper business is not for me.
I had a few other crazy dreams before waking up.


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Thanks for sharing that :whistle:


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CCS said:
I dreamed I was a male stripper at a gay club, trying to make some money since men pay more than women do. But it was really embarrassing because as I walked around in my speedo asking men if they wanted lap dances, I discovered that 80% of the men there were straight. They were just there to sniker at the gay men, and were laughing at me. Finally I found an older gay couple that looked a bit well to do. They liked my body, but wanted me to do stuff I refused to do. Then they started talking about my muscle size and other flaws and stated that although I look good, I just don't look THAT good, and that they were not going to pay to just look. They made me feel like I was asking for a handout or something or trying to use them. They asked me if I had a job. So all embarrassed, I walked out of there and decided that the stripper business is not for me.
I had a few other crazy dreams before waking up.
I am starting to get the feeling that was not really a dream. Sounds more like reality. Or better yet maybe a fantasy................. :whistle:


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And you still dont think you have psychological problems?

Ps I agree with DrHouse's diagnosis.


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s.a.f said:
And you still dont think you have psychological problems?

Ps I agree with DrHouse's diagnosis.

Hey, I had a homophobic dream when I was 19, 12 years ago... That doesn't mean I have psychological problems..

I think it was part of finding out my own sexuality, I'm actually not homophobic at all. I live with a gay guy and I'm trying to convince him to take me to a gay bar... From the sound of it, I've been to more gay bars than him :gay:


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Ah but have you ever snuggled with a gay man?


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s.a.f said:
Ah but have you ever snuggled with a gay man?

In real life? Not yet...

We should ask UM about Ariel :gay:

I hope I'm not offending any gay men out there.

uncomfortable man

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OMG, :stfu: about that. I am having my friend look into weather or not this bartender named late is a man or not. One night she said I was adorable. Probably has a dick.


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i dreamed how a put minoxidil on my scalp but i put too much and it stated to run down my face, it was all greasy :0