Receeding hairlines


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You wouldn't believe how badly people make fun of those with receeding hairlines/giant foreheads. Want to read some really cruel comments? do a google of "ian ziering hairline" and watch people just attack him and that Luke Perry guy..

Thinning Sucks

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Hairline or not....I would say he did pretty well with his former wife Nikki



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Thinning Sucks said:
Hairline or not....I would say he did pretty well with his former wife Nikki


I assure you, if he were not a celebrity, he wouldn't have gotten her...


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A rule that goes for celebrities as well as for common people, is that when you have a disadvantage people WILL make fun of it. Do not give so much importance to people making fun of receding hairlines. Luke Perry is considered to be one of the "hot" starts, and i am preety sure he would be considered HOT even if he was not a celebrity.

So, because as an old thread here says, people ARE assholes, they will make fun of you for any disadvantage you got. Is it a big nose? Is it that you are fat? Is it that you are bald? Is is that you have a big forehead? Acne? Big belly? Big ***? Small breasts? Weird voice? Ugly teeth? Hair on your finger?

The list is almost infinite, and as long as you have one of them, people WILL make fun of you. Because people are assholes. At least most of them.

recboi said:
I assure you, if he were not a celebrity, he wouldn't have gotten her...

WTF are you talking about? Hundreds of men would kill to have his looks.


luke perry's receding hairline only drops him 6 points on the ccs scale, so he should still be able to date an ogre or another homely beast.


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or CCS's sister with the Hot Or Not correction factor figured in that only CCS knows how to implement