recommendation for guys experiencing side effects


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***What's up my fellow hair loss homies? I'd like to send a shout out to Tynan (the craziest regular there is. I want to be in your music group tynan) Deaner (even though you're loopy I'm still sending a shout out) The Gardener (what's up G, is that BBQ happening any time soon? Not that I'm coming.) Sorry if I missed any of you other homies. I still got much love for ya.***

For those of you experiencing any side effects from finasteride I would like to recommend that you see a urologist. In all the threads that I've read about sexual side effects and gynecomastia I don't recall ever seeing anyone recommend going to a urologist.

I started developing gynecomastia in response to finasteride and I made the mistake of going to see my dipshit general physician first. (I'm not repeating that story here. He's a dipshit and I'm searching for a new general practitioner.)

I think urologists probably have more experience with finasteride than any other specialist. Remember, they dispense proscar.

Anyway, I went to my urologist and mentioned the problem with my chest and he immediately knew what I was talking about. Said he regularly speaks with some specialist in Philadelphia that routinely sees this problem with propecia.

He ordered 8 blood tests for me and I'm supposed to go back in two weeks to get the result. He's measuring all sorts of different hormones. He mentioned arimidex as a possible solution but I think I may try to steer him more towards tamoxifen because most of the medical studies I've read aren't very encouraging as far as arimidex being able to make gyno disappear. Tamoxifen seems much more successful in that respect.

I told him I don't want to stop finasteride.

I also followed the advice of some of you on here and purposely acted like a complete dumbass even though I already knew about gynecomastia and arimidex. You really have to let doctors take the lead if you want to get what you want. Let them think they're teaching you something even if you already know everything they're talking about.


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Nice, being the crazy one still gets you shoutouts. My mother always told me I'd still make friends even WITH my mental condition...


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Deaner said:
Nice, being the crazy one still gets you shoutouts. My mother always told me I'd still make friends even WITH my mental condition...

Is that your mother in the avatar ?




how's it going! let me first return the shout..."yo wassup biatch" ok that's done, now what's all this with stealing my beautiful new avatar, I only just finished that one and now it has been stolen. I would call the Avatar police but I am not sure they actually exist, so here is a version for you.




Established Member
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awesome, you rule tynan.

Are there any tutorial webpages that can teach me how to put gifs together like that?


helpmefindmyhair said:
awesome, you rule tynan.

Are there any tutorial webpages that can teach me how to put gifs together like that?

No, unfortunately not, I was born in to a long line of avatarators, my father made avatars back in the 1960's and my grandfather carved avatars from wood for some of the very early pre-computer forums.

I hope this helps
