Recovering from Propecia shed


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I am getting close to my 6 month mark on finasteride & Nizoral 2%. Using nizoral every second day sometimes less and have not yet missed a day of finasteride.

Month 1-2: Went through a terrible shed.
Month 3: Less shed
Month 4: slight Shed
Month 5-6: Slowly stabilizing.

Question 1:
2/3 hairs on my pillow. 10-15 in the shower and around 20 throughout the day. 1 hair on my hand every 3 strokes through my hair. What are you guys experiencing? I don't really know what's normal since I cannot remember my fall-rate before treatment (my hair was always gelled up and I never looked at my hands when shampooing).

Question 2:
My hair has thickend up a bit but my temples and hairline has suffered a lot from the sheds. I guess my hair line has moved in 1cm and left temple is pretty sh*t at the moment. The question is: Is the frontal loss likely to regrow or is this hair lost forever? (I have tons of vellus hairs on the temples and hairline).

Thanks Heaps guys. I really appriciate your help on this one!


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Anyone out there?! Given the percentage of users who use finasteride there must me a large group who has some sort of experience with propecia shed and regrowth of the shed??!


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PartTimeNinja said:
Question 1: 2/3 hairs on my pillow. 10-15 in the shower and around 20 throughout the day. 1 hair on my hand every 3 strokes through my hair. What are you guys experiencing? I don't really know what's normal since I cannot remember my fall-rate before treatment (my hair was always gelled up and I never looked at my hands when shampooing).
Normal is to lose between 100 and 200 hairs per day, so what you're seeing is less loss than normal :) Be happy :)

PartTimeNinja said:
Question 2: My hair has thickend up a bit but my temples and hairline has suffered a lot from the sheds. I guess my hair line has moved in 1cm and left temple is pretty sh*t at the moment. The question is: Is the frontal loss likely to regrow or is this hair lost forever? (I have tons of vellus hairs on the temples and hairline).
Yes absolutely it will grow back. Just give it time. Propecia does not cause hair loss. It causes dormancy. Those hairs weren't murdered. They're just sleeping. Hair has to cycle in and out many many times before it stops growing all together. You dont lose fully healthy long hairs and then suddenly go slick. They miniaturize first, and that takes a good amount of time and several cycles.


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Cheers - really appriciate your answers here.

So all the vellus hair on my hairline and temples will shed and give way for "real" hair?

The quality of the hair I'm losing now is very different - but generally I seem to be losing a lot more of really fine short hairs and a lot less of the thick ones - Is this good or bad?

Again, thanks for your help!


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Hey man, I'm at month 5. I went through a bad shed I think, well I know my hair got dramatically worse after starting finasteride. I haven't recovered yet, and I made a post recently about this which no one replied to.

It's good to hear you've stablized, hopefully you'll get regrowth, hang in there. How bad is it compared to before you started treatment? Had bad was your hairloss rate before starting?? Did it slow down at all?


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Genki, I only noticed my hairloss less than a year ago - but from looking at photos I have had this recession for a long time (maybe it's just my natural hairline that has turned bad? - don't know)

I don't think my hairloss rate was really fast, but as soon as I discovered it (got over the denial phase) I got on Propecia.

I have lost a bit of ground since start of treatment 6 month ago - mainly at the frontal areas (temples, hairline and mid-hairline). I am now hoping that since i've now stabilized my shed will grow back.

Dude, you just have to hang in there. I have been extremely frustrated (even depressed and I don't normal have those kinds of tendencies). At month 5 I was still losing a lot of hair in the shower and everywhere - but then 3 weeks into my 6th month it suddently stopped (slowed down dramatically) from one day to another. Now, it's stable right now - but things can still go bad. It's tough, but at the end of the day remember that you are actually doing something about it and not just waiting for things to happen. Don't give in!


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"Normal is to lose between 100 and 200 hairs per day, so what you're seeing is less loss than normal Be happy "

Yeah, but I noticed I was shedding a lot of hairs from the front before, like 40 or so in the shower daily, and then I'd usually notice like another 10-20 or so fall out during the day. I realized it was less than the normal 100-200 but at the same time definitely knew I was shedding because of how much I'd see on my hands when I shampooed (sp?) or just ran my hands through it. So I kind of figured I didn't really know how much over the norm I was but that I was probably experiencing the normal imperceptable daily shedding, plus some excess loss I was noticing first hand.

Yes absolutely it will grow back. Just give it time. Propecia does not cause hair loss. It causes dormancy. Those hairs weren't murdered. They're just sleeping. Hair has to cycle in and out many many times before it stops growing all together. You dont lose fully healthy long hairs and then suddenly go slick. They miniaturize first, and that takes a good amount of time and several cycles

Yeah, but he did say it was leaving vellus hairs behind which seems to indicate that they are miniaturizing and not dormant. Isn't it possible that his regimen just isn't helping that area and the hair in the temples is simply receding, leaving miniature vellus hairs?

I don't mean this to sound too negative or hostile or anything. It's just that I'm kind of in a similar condition to parttimeninja, and although I want to think positive I'm kind of skeptical and really think my hairline's just receding in spite of my actions. I hope you or someone else smacks me down and puts me in the place because I'd rather be wrong and regrowing than right and still balding.


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Hey FleshEatingRobot, How long have you been on treatment? How was your hairline before and how is it now?


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Well that's why I said "kind of" the same boat. My hair's been thinning for about 4 months now, I started minoxidil. about 2 months ago, and finasteride/nizoral for about 3 weeks. I went through a shed about the time I started Rogaine and, like most people, was optimistic that it was just a sign of better things to come except that it only kept getting thinner as things went on and is now starting to move back. It's receded about half an inch or so at the temples leaving a lot of vellus hairs behind as it heads North.