Recovery Time?


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Can anyone advise how long after a FUE transplant it takes for your head looks "normal again"? I don't mean until you see results...

I'm a 28 year old who, whilst not at present, will be exploring getting a hair transplant at my hairline/temples in the next few years.

I have seen immediate post hair transplant pics and it is very obvious surgery has taken place - I personally would not want to leave the house without a hat whilst my scalp was shaved and red.

However, in my line of work the maximum I could take as holiday in one go would be 2 weeks (3 weeks possibly at a push). I also cannot wear a hat at work. Whilst obviously I could be signed off sick for longer following an operation, I certainly would not want my employer to know I was signed off purely because of a cosmetic operation (and particularly a hair transplant).



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Months to go away as a Caucasian male.

Scalps going to extremely red the first month, and slowly dissipate their after. (took around five months for my scalp to not have a red contrast)

Everyone will know. Surrounding hair will be shocked, and take time to grow back. Almost all surgeons shave the entire area, and reinforce surrounding areas which causes shock.

On the plus side you could utilize make up for the blemished areas to blend it in after a few weeks.\

Make up + Dermatch.


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It varies from person to person, with more fair-shinned individuals having prolonged redness. You can reliably count on anywhere from 1-3 months of redness.


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It varies from person to person, with more fair-shinned individuals having prolonged redness. You can reliably count on anywhere from 1-3 months of redness.

thats 100% redness. If we are taking when it will start to fully dissipate close to six months.


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With regards to results i.e. growth, everyone is different. Most people start to see something happening by 3 months and by 6 months you should really be seeing things growing. Remember it can take up to 18 months to see the full results of a hair transplant. A few lucky people have very rapid growth, but they are the exceptions that prove the rule.


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10-12 weeks is the earliest you will start to see growth. From my experience I started seeing sprouting around 11 weeks in.


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If it's important that nobody should ever know you had a transplant, then you probably shouldn't get one. Healing and growth can be a slow process, and it usually takes additional surgeries too.

The guys who don't care if somebody finds out seem to be the most well-adjusted.


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thats 100% redness. If we are taking when it will start to fully dissipate close to six months.

Exactly what I found. You can easily see in my six month photos the red band of skin at my hairline where the transplants were placed. This BS you hear about hair transplant patients telling people they got sunburn only works the first week or so. No one buys it after it is still there a month later.

It is refreshing to have shookwun here stating facts instead of the BS we hear from the hair transplant doctors.


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I've seen many pictures and most of them had no redness after 3-4weeks. Is little bit darker but no redness.


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Ye? go stand outside with a mirror or next to a florescent light, and tell me that.

3 months seems standard for most fair complexion people. After that it isn't noticible because hair starts to grow in, and the faint redness acts as a facial frame.

Im at 11 weeks post operation and I got hair growing in all over with still a faint outline of pinkness.


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Ye? go stand outside with a mirror or next to a florescent light, and tell me that.

3 months seems standard for most fair complexion people. After that it isn't noticible because hair starts to grow in, and the faint redness acts as a facial frame.

Im at 11 weeks post operation and I got hair growing in all over with still a faint outline of pinkness.

Maybe it's depend on the person, i had no hair transplant yet i'm just seeking info and pictures. Most of them have little darker tone after 4 weeks but not red.


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This will take approx 10 to 12 weeks and rest depends upon the number of grafts that are transplanted.