Red/Ginger/Blonde Haired Men - Are we being deceived?

Double Helix

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I've searched and searched these forums, amongst other forums and propecia sites and almost every succesful before and after photograph involves dark, thick, brown or black hair (from Italians, hispanics, etc).

Diffusers with blonde/ginger/red hair; where are our heroes? Have there been any responders or is our hair pigmentation too fine to wistand the effects of DTC, age, stress, etc? Are we simply more susceptible to all of the causes that lead to baldness because we started out with hair that is slightly less pigmented than that of the italians, hispanics, east indians, etc?

I'm thinking, of course, about the types of people that have fair skin that sunburn easily. I'm an irish/french mix and it seems like the darker skinned guys with more pigmentation in both their skin and hair seem to respond much better to propecia/minoxidil than the light, fair skinned types do.

My thinning isn't too bad yet but my father, grandfather and uncles all have diffused thinning and my hair is much lighter (ginger coloured) then theirs. My temples have been receding for the past 4 years and I'm starting to notice some serious diffused thinning towards the front and middle parts of my head. Nobody I know has commented but I used to get a lot more girls before this all started happening. I'm currently 23.

I've been on propecia for a week now and I'm considering starting Rogaine 5% tommorow but I was looking for a few before and after pictures of men with fine, light coloured hair to push me over the edge. Unfortunately, I haven't found any yet. Most of the men with light coloured (low pigmentation) hair on this website are suffering from diffused thinning and it doesn't seem like too many of these people are improving.

Does propecia/minoxil only work best on dark, thick hair that only balds at the vertex (top of the head?) What are men with light-coloured, low pigmentation hair to do? Does propecia/minoxidil REALLY help diffused thinning or is basically geared towards the types of men that have only had one area of their head severely attacked by DTC?


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Black Silent helicopters hovered above my Apt once.......

Men in black fatigues repelled down and came in through the windows. Once inside they ransacked my Apt till they found my minoxidil stash. It turns out the secret of who killed JFK was inside the droppers.



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Oh one more thing.......

My sisters friend has blonde hair and he has used Propecia since the week it came out. He still has as much hair as whne he started. Not sure how much that helps. But it does fit one of your catagories.

Double Helix

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cassin said:
Black Silent helicopters hovered above my Apt once.......

Men in black fatigues repelled down and came in through the windows. Once inside they ransacked my Apt till they found my minoxidil stash. It turns out the secret of who killed JFK was inside the droppers.


Without question, most of my initial posting is paranoid speculation but I am serious. Where are the results? Diffused thinning, IMO, seems considerably different than male pattern baldness and most people with pale skin have fine hair that is slowly thinning all over their scalps. These people still eventually get the classic vertex bald spot and receded temples but the rest of their hair also thins out all over the head.

The types of men that have relatively dense hair around their balding vertex seem to respond to finasteride/minoxidil the best. These are the types of people that regrow a considerable ammount of hair. I can't help but assume that these men would all have healthy heads of hair if they didn't suffer from abnormally large levels of DTC in certain parts of their scalps. Diffused thinning seems different because it basically just leaves all your hair very thin and fine. I'm almost wondering if we're suffering from something besides DTC.

I'm just wondering if a propecia/minoxidil mix has worked on fair-skinned, light haired people or not. I'm having a very hard time locating impressive success photos from people that don't have dark brown or black hair and I'm starting to wonder if there is a reason for that.


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In a sense.......this question has been asked before. After many pages of speculation it always comes down to no, it doesn't matter.

In my opinion, blonde/light hair before and after pics are not commonly use because darker hair on a pale scalp shows up better than light hair. Also this is why you rarely see black men before and after pics. Dark hair on a dark scalp doesn't look as impressive.
