Red Meat and hairloss?


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I eat a lot of red meat maybe three or four times a week I have a steak for dinner and I love hamburgers and roastbeef sandwiches. It has been said that Americans loose more hair than other countrys because we eat more red meat than other countrys. This red meat is treated with Hormones and injectables to make it bigger and more flavorful. It is said that the hormones transfer into the human body upon consumption causign increased estrogen levels and hair loss. or someone in the know is there any truth to this rumor?? I might have to move to Cali and become a Vegan.


I have not eaten red meat since around 1987-88 and here I am on


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Redbone said:
I eat a lot of red meat maybe three or four times a week I have a steak for dinner and I love hamburgers and roastbeef sandwiches. It has been said that Americans loose more hair than other countrys because we eat more red meat than other countrys. This red meat is treated with Hormones and injectables to make it bigger and more flavorful. It is said that the hormones transfer into the human body upon consumption causign increased estrogen levels and hair loss. or someone in the know is there any truth to this rumor?? I might have to move to Cali and become a Vegan.

If red meat increased estrogen, you'd think we Americans would have better hair. Increased estrogen would cause our body to produce less testosterone (as estrogen is derived from testosterone) and so there'd be less T to be converted into the dreadful DHT.

But, to be honest, I don't think eating red meat 3-4 times/week is going to have much of an effect on hormones (otherwise the beef industry would be sued to the bone). In any case, I feel that the satisfaction from a good porterhouse is almost worth the hair loss.


rescue hair

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Ever been to Italy? Tons of guys there are bald or thinning. A lot more than in America - or at least California. And they don't eat so much red meat.


Is that a freshly cooked 15 Oz steak I can smell......



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I read somewhere that the hairloss gene comes from northern europe. Italians didnt start losing their hair much till the Roman empire expanded north. Pure africans and native americans dont lose their hair much. I dont see a lot of bald asians either.

The US is the most mult-raced nation so just about everybody here has a bit of northern europe in them whether they like it or not.

I dont think the link is the diet, I think its in the genes.


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yes, I am going to run right out and buy myself an angus porter house steak and have a filet mignon for dessert.


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I believe they also pump steriods into chickens and pork.

I quit eating red meat 3 years ago because I heard this info also. Don't think it helped hair loss much, but... my cholesterol is finally normal and I noticed that I don't sweat as much anymore. I only use deodorant now. No more need for anti-persperants!


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Don't sweat as much? Interesting.

I may start eating better soon myself.. I wish to become a veggie head but it's 'hard' and I don't know where to start..

Need recipe ideas!


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Give up steak? I'd rather chop off a finger. A lot of people give beef a bad rap but if you eat good cuts and don't eat it everyday it's actually not that bad. It's full of amino acids and certain types of fat that you can't get elsewhere.



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There's been a number of theories on this, but nothing concrete. I think it's a myth, but hey, you never know.