Redness/flaky scalp


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I've been on minoxidil/nizoral for 6 months, and added finasteride about a month ago. I've never really had problems with minoxidil/nizoral (occasional flaking but not too much), but this last week my scalp has started itching, gotten a bit of redness and crazy flaking. Tried cutting down a bit on the minoxidil (to once/day), but every time I apply it I get crazy flaking all over the place, my scalp is dry, itchy and a bit red at certain places.

Is finasteride causing this? CAN finasteride cause this?


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sadscalp - I have similar concerns with finasteride. I was using nizoral/minoxidil prior to receiving a prescription for finasteride, and only recently have I been getting itching of the scalp, with additional shedding. Not sure if that's a problem that you are also experiencing, but according to several posts on this website shedding appears to be common. However, I'm having a difficult time finding information on shedding, itching and scalp irritation all being associated with being a positive sign of regrowth.

Six months of nizoral/finasteride use and getting a reaction only now, one month after starting medication, would seem suspicious to me.

I'm hoping that this is not some kind of allergic reaction to the drug, so I'm going off finasteride for at least a week to see how my scalp reacts. It does seem strange that if what is being experienced is an allergy that it would only be localized to the head.

If anyone has information on allergic reactions and can provide details, that would be helpful.

Hopefully you figure out what's causing your problem.