Reduce minoxidil?


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I have noticed no regrowth on my head, but I am definitely growing hairs on my forehead. They are vellous, but some are terminal. It is alarming.

Normally, I apply minoxidil right after I shower. for night applciation, I wet my head, let it dry for about 15 minutes or so, and then apply.

I am thinking of reducing the frequency of application of minoxidil to once; either at the wet a.m. application, or waiting to apply to a dry scalp at night.

Has anyone else had this forehead hair growth?


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I have. And I am not through my first month yet.

Do not alter your routine. You are obviously responding.

I went through a tremendous one week shed due to minoxidil. Although I notice a reduced overal density, I can trace new growth especially in the temple area.

Keep it steady.


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Thanks man. The thing is, these hairs are extending to about an inch above my eye brow. They are not yet noticable, unless you look directly at me. I plucked a few of the more noticeable ones. It's a cro magnon look. :freaked: The best course will probably stay with it as usual.

Good advice about staying steady, too. I'm putting the pieces together a little better today.