reflexhyper androgenicity?

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From reading alot of posts and info on finasteride it seems that most people have a similar experience with shedding, in that it shows up in cycles where it's apparent for a period then stops. I've been shedding since before starting finasteride and the shedding increased after starting it and has continued unabated for the three months that i'be been on it. I lose hairs all over my head including sides and back, but my hairline and top front have thinned extremely noticably.

Another thing that concerns me is the amount that i'm shedding. The only way I have to keep track of this is by what ends up in my hands when I take a shower. Not what i lose in the shower total, just what's on my hands. which ends up being roughly nearly 300 hairs when i'm done shampooing, but if I weren't to stop it would continue to come out beyond that with no end in sight as long as it was being handled.

I don't think I've read anyone claim this much volume with a shed, which coupled with the frequency, which has been non stop I suspect i may be reacting abnormally. I've also had an extreme increase in oil on my face and forehead with some acne that i didn't have before, which has persisted since about the first month on finasteride. Also some random hairs on my shoulders and back have increased. But my libido has stayed about the same.

Does this sound like reflex hyperandrogenicity or could these sides still be within the realm of normalcy given how long i've been on finasteride(3mths)? How many months can you shed nonstop before it's abnormal or likely is reflex hyper.?

I'm going to be seeing an endocrinologist, are there any tests that I could specifically request, questions to ask that might clear up if i'm reacting to finasteride uncharacteristically and it's doing more harm than good.

Assuming i'm reacting badly to finasteride, would it be automatic that I would react just as bad or worse to dutasteride because it's stronger or is there a chance I could respond better to dutasteride.?

Sorry about the long post, and thanks for any possible insight anyone may have.