Regaine/Rogaine-what's in a name?


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I live in the UK and often wondered why Upjohn/Pharmacia's minoxidil product was differently named over the pond.
Here it is called 'Regaine', stands to reason you might think, what with it supposedly growing hair back and all.
It has puzzled me as to why it is called Rogaine in the US-the name itself doesn't mean or imply anything. Then a while back I read something which may be apocryphal but has a ring of truth about it.
That is that when the FDA saw the clinical trial data for minoxidil, they refused to let Upjohn/Pharmacia call the product Regaine in the States due to its limited efficacy. That is, it just doesn't work well enough for enough people to justify that name, with all its' implications.
Is anyone able to confirm or deny this, or shed any further light on the matter?

Keep on growin' :D


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Alwight Dave,

Thats the story i heard.... all to do with semantics.