Regenpure shedding? Should I stop?


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Hi guys,

I'm new to this forum, a quick introduction: I'm 23, and started having troubles with a receiding hairline/thinning at the front when I was about 19/20. At the end of this summer it began bothering me more and more, and after some reading I decided to try out Regenpure DR. I use it about 3 times a week, leave it in for little over 3 minutes, and sometimes finish it of with a conditioner of some sort.

I've been on Regenepure DR since the end of August, and since then the thinning and receiding of my frontal hair seemed Telogen Effluvium be getting worse. Now thinning is occuring on the top of my head also, which as far I can recall wasn't the case before this September. Also the stuff really dries out my hair. I never really seen a definitve answer on Regenpure and shedding, most likely because every product works different for everyone, obviously.

That's why I'm actually asking your opinion; should I stop using Regenepure? Also, can ketoconazol cause shedding in the first place? If so, will it be likely that I'll regrow the lost hairs in the shedding phase once I stop?

Thanks alot in advance,



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Aaron , glad you join to us , Actually you are right and Regenpure makes hair very dry and not manageable , About shedding issue I want other experts in forum come and answer your question because I don't go to detail about that , but here are some of my suggestion :
1- Try to use some organic shampoo as well
2- Try to stick with Nizoral.
3- Please post me your regimen so I can see what are you using , If you don't use minoxidil don't forget you need to add it ,
Shedding can be occur when you don't fight with hairloss from any angel , it can be from other reasons not the shampoo either. !
Keep in touch.


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Thanks for replying! My current regimen actually only consists of Regenpure DR 3 times a week, every other day I use a conditioner. So no other products whatsoever.


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Thanks for replying! My current regimen actually only consists of Regenpure DR 3 times a week, every other day I use a conditioner. So no other products whatsoever.

Aaron , I'm not a doctor but I know a little bit about hairloss after 14 years , if you have MTB , I can say you can't fight with that with any great shampoo in world , maybe the process is slow but you will get affected year after year , so my suggestion is at least start using minoxidil foam or liquid , There is also many good minoxidil premium brands in new york ! But you can easily start with rogaine if you suffer from Male pattern baldness , I wish you the best.


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Aaron , I'm not a doctor but I know a little bit about hairloss after 14 years , if you have MTB , I can say you can't fight with that with any great shampoo in world , maybe the process is slow but you will get affected year after year , so my suggestion is at least start using minoxidil foam or liquid , There is also many good minoxidil premium brands in new york ! But you can easily start with rogaine if you suffer from Male pattern baldness , I wish you the best.

Thanks for your reply, too bad I'm just starting to figure that out by myself, I don't know yet if I'm going to use stuff like minoxidil or finasteride. But my question still stands in a way: Does Regenepure alone can make you shed? And if so, will I be able to regrow the hairs that I lost during the use of it?


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Thanks for your reply, too bad I'm just starting to figure that out by myself, I don't know yet if I'm going to use stuff like minoxidil or finasteride. But my question still stands in a way: Does Regenepure alone can make you shed? And if so, will I be able to regrow the hairs that I lost during the use of it?

You're welcome , Regard to minoxidil and finasteride I think its better to start with minoxidil first because finasteride can have some sides and then see what your hairloss is going to be , about shedding , We have two type of shedding . the good one and also the bad one , the good one occur most likely after you use minoxidil and it means it works , For the regepure shampoo although it has many good stuff and also Keto ! I think if you have shedding with the shampoo it means its not good for your hairloss and you have to change it OR its not only because of shampoo and it may happens because of changing the season OR MALE PATTERN BALDNESS ! So its really hard to say , but Generally speaking having shedding with shampoo is not a good sign ! hope it helps . these all theory my friend , all of hairloss story regard to theory.


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if you suspect the shampoo you are using is causing you to shed, the obvious thing to do would be to cut back your use. I would suggest using it 2X per week for one month and see if you condition improves.


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if you suspect the shampoo you are using is causing you to shed, the obvious thing to do would be to cut back your use. I would suggest using it 2X per week for one month and see if you condition improves.
