Regrowing is a mindgame + patience


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Well I posted about a month ago about diffusing on my left temple. It seems to be filling in :D . The right temple is getting new growth and moving down my forehead :eek: . This area use to be my problem spot and now its the stronger of the two sides. Still have some major temple area that needs filled, the battle isnt over yet and wont be for a long time. Also the vertex is filling in as well. I plan on goin with Xanadrox 15% and spironolactone once my Rogaine runs out. I wanna kick this growth into over drive , this should take place in June I gave 7 months of my current regime along with eating better and starting to workout again. I just wanna thank some of the peeps that told me to hang in there and keep up with it. I SUGGEST TO NEWBIES AND OLD TIMERS KEEP AT IT AND HAVE FAITH AND TRY NOT TO WORRY ABOUT IT SOME MUCH. I think I should post some pics soon cause I know Ill have more regrowth :).




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well done.

from everything ive read though i wouldnt step up to xandrox 15% yet. im assuming youre on minoxidil 5%? keep going until youve milked 5% for all its worth. when you stop getting regrowth and you start to see it going the other way again, step up to xandrox.

otherwise, youre going to blow all the big guns now and in 2+ years when your progression of male pattern baldness catches up with the offset from the minoxidil/xandrox, you wont have too much to fall back on.

also have you considered finasteride?


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HMm he is on finasteride.. Guess another success story due to finasteride and minoxidil, wish I had the balls to use finasteride.


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Im on the big 3 , finasteride is ok no side effects i still get it up like I was 18. I hope i calm down haha.

Guess I shoudl hold out and milk minoxidil like uk guy said I want to keep my hair or what i have till at least 50

ugh the battle the battle


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TCL lamp

hey extreme kick,

how's the tdp lamp coming along?

do you think it's helping with your hairloss situation?


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I def think its helping the blood supply to the scalp and with some growth. These lamps are crazy. Im into the far east culture being that Im a martial artist. It has 33 elements and has helped my tendonitis of my shoulder and elbow as well. The shed I had was crazy and totally messed with my head literally hahaha. So like I said I must be patient and give it time. They dont really cost much( TDP Lamps ) and they last for like thousands of hours til you need to replace the element. Do a search for TDP lamps and read the benefits, I think you will be impressed. Considering my regime along with training again and supplementing with MSM / multi vit- min / green tea / chondrotian - glucosomine / whey protein powder/ and some of my bodybuilding supps. Things are going well. I so wanna try Xanadrox but I will give the generic 5% another 2 months. Balance is key.

Pce Brian