Regrowth After Shedding Or Miniaturized Hair?


My Regimen
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Hello everyone, I have been a quiet reader here so far but hopefully can contribute something as well in the near future. Just really quick my story here: Started losing hair about 5 years ago, hairloss was rather slowly tho. Started Minoxidil this year in April but had to stop taking it after a month due to side effects (chest pain). In June started the following regime: Adenosine (Adenovital) + Stemox + Nizoral/Regenepure. Since then my hair status got dramatically worse...I lost hair at a speed like never before. I know, it could be just genetics kicking in and bad luck but I do suspect that this was a shedding from minoxidil or/and eventually the other products as well. The hair loss was so severe that I could see my hair disappearing and getting worse every single week since then. And lost about half of the hair I had before.

Long story short, there are some blonde hairs growing in my temples but I'm not sure if this is regrowth or just miniaturized hair. I'm attaching a photo below, please let me know what you think!

Also, do you guys think it was shedding what I experienced or just genetics kicking in?


  • Screen Shot 2016-09-11 at 5.20.23 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2016-09-11 at 5.20.23 PM.png
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I'd say the little blond hairs are actually miniaturized. If you actually had "normal" regrowth, they'd be pigmented (terminal). Sorry mate, looks like male pattern baldness is kicking in.

By the way, in 99.9% of users, hair loss is genetic - whether it is sped up by environmental factors or not is up for discussion. However, we do have a few members around here (Pavi?) that were diagnosed with thyroid problems and experience spectacular regrowth once they received proper treatment.


My Regimen
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Hello everyone, I have been a quiet reader here so far but hopefully can contribute something as well in the near future. Just really quick my story here: Started losing hair about 5 years ago, hairloss was rather slowly tho. Started Minoxidil this year in April but had to stop taking it after a month due to side effects (chest pain). In June started the following regime: Adenosine (Adenovital) + Stemox + Nizoral/Regenepure. Since then my hair status got dramatically worse...I lost hair at a speed like never before. I know, it could be just genetics kicking in and bad luck but I do suspect that this was a shedding from minoxidil or/and eventually the other products as well. The hair loss was so severe that I could see my hair disappearing and getting worse every single week since then. And lost about half of the hair I had before.

Long story short, there are some blonde hairs growing in my temples but I'm not sure if this is regrowth or just miniaturized hair. I'm attaching a photo below, please let me know what you think!

Also, do you guys think it was shedding what I experienced or just genetics kicking in?

Dumb question but did you ever grow blonde hairs before?
Your other hair looks dark.
How old are you? are you going grey or salt/peper?


My Regimen
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Thanks for your opinion guys... although I wished to hear better news :(
I can't remember having those blonde hairs before, so therefore I was hopeful it might be regrowth.
I also think those blonde hairs are getting longer/stronger!
I'm 31 - having few grew hairs but majority is brownish...