Regrowth, is it possible


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Hi there,
Ok so i am 30 yrs old, i have long hair, but it is pretty much is hiding my thinning hair and receding hairline. I have been taking propecia for about 3 years now and feel like its doing a good job holding onto what i have, But i feel like my hair has started to thin out a bit as of late in the front, not sure if its from stress or what. So i just went and brought a bottle of Rogain %5, with the limited areas i am going to use it i am thinking ill get good value from one bottle. I was also going to invest in the Tricomin Pack since my scalp is aleady slighty irrated and does have a tendacny to flake up.

Would you consider the Combo of Rogain, propecia and Tricomin the Best combo for my situation, i am hoping to maintain what i have and would LOVE to get some hair growth in receding area, and a bit fuller in the front. Or is there anything else you would recommend

thanks a million for any help


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Sounds like a solid regime to me. And yes regrowth is very possible with that regimen.

Save yourself some money and don't buy the Tricomin Pack with the shampoo & conditioner. Just get the "Spray." Copper-Peptides need to sit on the scalp for awhile and it doesn't work in a shampoo/conditioner form. They just sell it like that because people like having it in shampoo/conditioner. It's a waste.

For a nice shampoo, get NIZORAL, right off the shelf at a grocery store.


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how come u guys poo-poo all of these shampoos that are supposed to help hair loss, but are so solid about using nizoral as a mild anti androgen??????????????????????????????????


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Nizoral has some science behind it. But admittidly, I still have many questions about it's efficiancy. But hey, a bottle is cheap so I still use it and it does no harm. Plus I love the way it smells and makes my hair look. :D I don't consider it a make or break aspect of a regimen (FOR MOST PEOPLE) but it is helpful nonetheless.

I guess you missed my reasoning as to why Copper-Peptides don't work so well in a shampoo. So I will re-post that part.

Cassin said:
Copper-Peptides need to sit on the scalp for awhile and it doesn't work in a shampoo/conditioner form. They just sell it like that because people like having it in shampoo/conditioner. It's a waste.

Dr Pickart states that CP's need to sit on the scalp for a time....a shower isn't long enough.


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I use Nizoral for it's anti_androgenic effects as I do not have Dandruff or a problem with my scalp.

It does seem to dry my hair out a bit though.

I hope Nizoral is useful for it's anti-androgenic effects otherwise I would rather not use it.


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In studies, 2% Nizoral is about as effective in combatting hair loss as is 2% Minoxidil. I see no reason to use it in every regimen, you have to wash your hair anyway. I think a regigen of finasteride, minoxidil, copper peptides (I prefer Folligen, having used both it and Tricomin) and Nizoral is a very solid one.

I agree that using the Tricomin shampoo is a waste of money.