

Experienced Member
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Hey Guys,

Dont want to get my hopes up too much, but I have a ton of half inch hairs all over my hairline! Its incredible...........I will be posting my 1 year pictures in 3 weeks, you guys will be the judge. Hopefully by then things wont go to sh*t!

Stay focused

Look ahead

Not back

Till late


For those of you who will ask, "what is your regimen?"

-Propecia and Nizoral (1x per week, cut it down)

Green Soap

Established Member
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Hey Tony...

Jooo know whut dey say, Mang? .......Efery Dog hass hiss daay.


Experienced Member
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Wasss SUUP!!! Maiiin??

I hardly recognize this site anymore...where are the regular brothas hangin out maaiiiin??

Be chilling like a villian...

Hey Main,

I swear we think alike, I was thinking the same thing! What the helll happened here.......

Any who, as far as the hand healing thing, you need to keep healing the vulnerable depressed woman. But the trick is, to have a few over at the same time. That way, if any of them passes on male pattern baldness to you the ones with the non-male pattern baldness will cancel it off. Its a win-win situation! :D

Anyways brother! I hope all is well with you meng! Keep up the fight and be chilllling like a villian! :p

Green Soap said:
Hey Tony...

Jooo know whut dey say, Mang? .......Efery Dog hass hiss daay.

Joooo know it menng, joooooooo know it! :D


Experienced Member
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Props, Tony. Glad to hear you're doing good!


Experienced Member
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Rawbbie is my Prag said:
Props, Tony. Glad to hear you're doing good!

Thanks brother!!!!