Regular shedding?


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Just starting on the ''Big Three'' but was wondering what the deal is with this shedding business? I get that there may well be an initial shed as new hairs prepare to grow but surely mass shedding isn't a regular thing? What really would be the point if you only have new hair for a few months at a time before it all falls out again? Can anybody offer enlightenment here, please?

Hans Gruber

Senior Member
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long story short

when you start a treatment,especially the big three,youll see a shed (well,most probably) this is a good thing

essentially the weak surrender monkey hairs need to be kicked out to make way for some big strong heroic hairs.

shed hairs will come back powerful in about 3-4 months

the thing is shedding is kinda weird cos ive been on the big three for very nearly 2 years and ive shed all over the place,the ONLY time i shed LOTS was a month or so after replacing liquid minoxidil with foam but after 8 months my hair is improving lots

basically don't worry about shedding,don't count hairs either as most people ,even non balding ones lose 50-100 hairs a day

oh and cos its autumn you might have a seasonal shed like animals do

i also heard that minoxidil affected hairs may shed every now n then but that itll calm down after time and become less frequent

you gotta give ya hair a lot of time to get back into the swing of things
