Reliable Dutasteride Source - Online Pharmacy


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Hey all, trying to jump on some dutasteride and was hoping some of you could share your sources.

I bought finasteride from an online pharmacy about six months ago, but cannot remember the name. Been searching around and it seems alldaychemist, unitedpharmacies, and inhousepharmacies are all popular trusted sources. Unfortunately for me, none of them accept credit cards.

So the real question is: What is an online pharmacy you know is legit that accepts credit cards or paypal?

Appreciate all the feedback in advance. It just feels stupid taking a risk on some random site when most of the people here know and use sites they know work from experience.


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AllDayChemist does accent credit cards. You have to select the voucher payment option, and then they email you a link to a secure page on their site where you can pay by card. I just ordered a years supply of dutasteride through this method a couple of days ago. At the moment they are offering a 15% discount on all orders.


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Nice to hear you had a good experience as well! Been on Avodart (Dutasteride) for 3 months now. 0.5mg a day. Have regrown almost a full head of hair. Libido and ejaculation are still in working order.
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