Remedy for skin damage


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Does anyone here know any remedy other laser to reverse sun damage to the skin (face). I could honestly tell you that when I take my top off the contrast in skin colour between the face and the rest of the body is quite pronounced. It is not entirely the excess sun but also a few spot marks that have left slight dark blotches. I know Harley Strret in London offers skin lightening procedures (with laser) but is there cheaper alternatives i.e. creams (I've seen adverts about anti-ageing creams and so on), would using facial exfoliators help? I'd appreciate your any feedback. Thanks.


cassin said:

One of the best in the business.

I concur with Mrs Cassin, copper peptides is where you want to be looking.


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tynanW said:
cassin said:

One of the best in the business.

I concur with Cassin as I have spent countless hours peeping through his window whilst spanking myself admiring his fine skin, copper peptides is where you want to be looking.

Here is a more specific product if you don't want to spend hours sifting through information. The fine folks at skinbiology have a worse website than Dr Lee.

This is one of their 10 or so web sites.


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tynanW said:
Good advice Cas, They also reply pretty quick to emails, like my staff at http://www.Ty's-deep-a*** I can't wait till my merger with "Grizzly Tail Pipe Trucker" is finalized as things in my life have been a bit rough as of late and I need a holiday. My partner and I are having some serious problems right now as my obsession with my appearance and leaving dried ejaculate on my neighbors car door has become more and more obvious. I need sime time alone in Paris or Spain to masturbate and reflect.



Sorry to hear that Ty.


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Thanks for pointing me to very informative websites. BTW, Will I find copper peptide creams at my local Boots. Would any brand i.e. Neutragena, Johnson & Johnson work just as well. How about applying folligen or tricomin.


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Also, do you guys exfoliate. I have found some exfoliators to be quite abresive to the skin.


absmon said:
Thanks for pointing me to very informative websites. BTW, Will I find copper peptide creams at my local Boots. Would any brand i.e. Neutragena, Johnson & Johnson work just as well. How about applying folligen or tricomin.

Try Neutrogena 'Visably Young' anti-age day lotion contains copper tri-peptides, I emailed skinbiology last year asking if this stuff was good for the scalp, Mr Pickart (?) replied himself saying basically, "yeah I suppose so, but there are better things"

Skinbiology liscense their technology to Nutrogena and a few others, so the rest like Johnson & Johnson are not able to use copper peptides in their stuff.

Most (non copper-peptide) moisturiser does nothing long term for the skin.

If you want some super cutting edge stuff with email back up, Boots ain't your place, I would order it from skinbiology, also skin repair like scalp/hairgrowth is a slow proccess, expect to wait for up to 6-8 months before seeing some good improvements, also like hairloss after starting some of the better skin products your skin can get temporarly worse before it gets better.

but you won't shed your nose or anything drastic.:freaked:

Good luck Mr Crsipy Head



cassin said:
I am looking for some buff guys to do a video with, you know for the internet, pm me off this board so we can talk, I will be in it and will play 'the Master' I have all the equipment and various relaxers/pills/stay hard creams and so on, do you have a moustache?

don't be a stranger


Cas baby, I am very busy right now but good luck anyway



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tynanW said:
Dear Diary,

While washing the coagulated a*** blood from my mustache I began to ponder how much longer until my life size Janet Reno Mannequin will be finished. I do so enjoy to dance. I need to get re-fitted for my gold plated Taint protector as I have gained weight. Well gotta go, feeling horny again.



absmon, it's probably best to stick to the specific product for sun damage.


Established Member
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so, is this video gona be available on the internet...?


cassin said:
I like up me I do, especially the foreign men

yeah absmon, you should also hunt down a product that has been specifed for your skin type.



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I use Cesta from Jan marini and renova .002%. They have helped eliminate some "crows feet" around my eyes, though I want to get rid of some wrinkles below my eyes too, and they've only helped moderately with those. But I recommend the two. Not cheap, but each little bottle lasts me a few months.

I know what you mean, though. I hope laser resurfacing gets a little cheaper in the future, and the technique improves so that it doesn't cause so much damage and downtime.

Also, use a moisturizer, preferably with spf 15 or so. It helpes to prevent further sun damage as well.

Are we chics or what!?! =)

Good luck.