Removing Implanted Hair From Transplant


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so...back story... Several years ago I had a hair transplant done. The doctors who did the surgery really should not have had the right to do it. They did an awful job. But I put the fault on myself as I should have done more due diligence. I was just young and naive.

So, ever since the surgery, I have had to shave my forehead of the hairs they implanted. It's annoying. Very annoying. I'm wanting to get them completely removed. The hairs are scattered all over the place, so I have to consistently shave the area with a razor (twice a day).

I'm having a micro scalp pigmentation done to cover my scar on the back of the head soon. I just want to buzz my head down to a size 0 for now on, and not have to worry about razor shaving the implanted hairs on the forehead.

What would be the best way of removing all these unwanted implanted hairs? Would it be laser hair removal? I have to imagine that someone else has had a bad transplant done and have gone through a procedure of removing the hairs that were transplanted?

Also, I am in Florida... so I am looking for suggestions on a place I can go to to have this treatment done. I appreciate Any information you can provide. Thank you.


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so...back story... Several years ago I had a hair transplant done. The doctors who did the surgery really should not have had the right to do it. They did an awful job. But I put the fault on myself as I should have done more due diligence. I was just young and naive.

So, ever since the surgery, I have had to shave my forehead of the hairs they implanted. It's annoying. Very annoying. I'm wanting to get them completely removed. The hairs are scattered all over the place, so I have to consistently shave the area with a razor (twice a day).

I'm having a micro scalp pigmentation done to cover my scar on the back of the head soon. I just want to buzz my head down to a size 0 for now on, and not have to worry about razor shaving the implanted hairs on the forehead.

What would be the best way of removing all these unwanted implanted hairs? Would it be laser hair removal? I have to imagine that someone else has had a bad transplant done and have gone through a procedure of removing the hairs that were transplanted?

Also, I am in Florida... so I am looking for suggestions on a place I can go to to have this treatment done. I appreciate Any information you can provide. Thank you.
I do not trust laser hair removal. I tried it for multiple sessions for shoulder hair and said hair regrew after a few weeks. But maybe that type of hair was simply too thick.


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Where did you have your botched surgery if you don't mind me asking?


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i might be being stupid here, but can you not just remove the hairs in the same way they were removed in the first place for the hair transplant? just cut the fuckers out?