repair work


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im getting different opions on how to tackle repair work
is it better to do a few small sessions or try and and do a mega session
and get as much done in one shot.
my concern is if i do a mega session and things don't turn out I wont have
any thing left to be able to touch up. and is it better for healing and growth and
shock loss to do little sessions
thanks again
big spender

Mr. 4000

I hear you...

There is no right answer because the industry is flawed and doesn't have an answer.

Either way, you better hope you get lucky and find the right doctor or that day, that is the only answer that is acceptable, or you are going to be chasing

I wish you the best


New Member
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had my first botch job 20 years ago by a con artist then immediatly went to a profession to conceal then left it for 20 years now in mid forties and graying and thining again things are stsrting to show again and want to be fixed once and for all not hide under a hat and get on with life. I worry about this whole industry
all these young guys doing transplants like I did only to realize when you get older it doesn't matter if your bald and transplants create more problems chasing
Ive decided on shapiro or wong for repair refinment two different approaches any thought?