Replace Minoxidil With Peppermint Oil


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Good afternoon, I started applying minoxidil 10 months ago and had to stop 2 weeks ago because of the hair transplant I had and I noticed that I had a big improvement in the dark circles and in the eye bags and I lost a lot of facial swelling. And I would like to know if minoxidil gains can be maintained with peppermint oil because it is also a vasodilator but without side effects. I've seen some studies that say that oil is more efficient than minoxidil


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A good info site for non-big-3 topics is Hairguard.

If you had a transplant or otherwise have mild hairloss, and minoxidil is not doing much, and also causes sides...then natural stuff is probably a comparable or possibly better option. Natural approaches need to involve multiple angles though. It should address DHT in the follicle, increase follicle size and cell health (caffeine e.g.), and fibrosis should also be addressed through things like needling and topical magnesium and aminos.


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A good info site for non-big-3 topics is Hairguard.

If you had a transplant or otherwise have mild hairloss, and minoxidil is not doing much, and also causes sides...then natural stuff is probably a comparable or possibly better option. Natural approaches need to involve multiple angles though. It should address DHT in the follicle, increase follicle size and cell health (caffeine e.g.), and fibrosis should also be addressed through things like needling and topical magnesium and aminos.
What I wanted to know was if the hair that grew back with minoxidil can stay with peppermint oil that also has the vasodilator effect of minoxidil?


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No one can answer that definitively, only speculate based on reason/theory like you're asking. Guys respond differently. I can only say that when I stop minoxidil I don't have a big hairfall from it, and I reckon I respond to minoxidil somewhat like you.


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Good afternoon, I started applying minoxidil 10 months ago and had to stop 2 weeks ago because of the hair transplant I had and I noticed that I had a big improvement in the dark circles and in the eye bags and I lost a lot of facial swelling. And I would like to know if minoxidil gains can be maintained with peppermint oil because it is also a vasodilator but without side effects. I've seen some studies that say that oil is more efficient than minoxidil

no bro. The efficacy of rosemary and pepermint oil is maybe comparable with minoxidil 2%. But its not near strong as minoxidil 5%.