RepliCel -- Next Phase


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hope something comes out in the next few years, im only 16 diffuse thinning and need to maintain!


Senior Member
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Hold on til you're 18 then hit Propecia and use Nizoral...That will buy you enough time until something comes out...

...In the meantime, stay active and keep fit. Workout and keep your body healthy and active...The biggest mistake I made when I was young was I didn't take care of myself. That supercedes everything, including hairloss!


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The latest promo from these guys

...hummmm.....the interesting note was that there were people who did NOT respond at all after 6 months...not good...

...enough of this f'in BS...people are regrowing limbs for mean to tell me we can't grow freakin hair??? ...

...5 years away?? screw that noise, somebody better be ready to blow the doors off this much sooner than that...


Sparky4444 said:
...enough of this f'in BS...people are regrowing limbs for mean to tell me we can't grow freakin hair??? ...

Well apparently God and nature hate bald guys so much that they have made the hair regrowing process ultra hard to accomplish. Men have been balding since THOUSANDS of years, it's a major pain in the ***, the richest and most powerful men were going bald, and still no one can find the cure.

But they must have special sympathy for mice, because curing baldness and all the other diseases is a piece of cake in mice. You can literally take a steamy sh*t on the mouse and BAM, it's cured from cancer, male pattern baldness etc.