*** RESPONSE REQUIRED *** - HairLossTalk.com Barbecue

The Gardener

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Okay folks... it is the time to bring this issue up one more time just to keep it fresh in your minds and to focus our thoughts for one moment on what could be a really cool event. Guys, when are we doing the HairLossTalk.com Barbecue? And where? We should plan a nice weekend somewhere where we all can meet and swap war stories, knowledge, tips, and just plain get to know each other face to face.

Statistically speaking, the 'mode' of participants here seem to be from the Cali Bay Area, that is, San Francisco and San Jose. However, airfares there can get expensive... but maybe not if there is a forum member who can do a little webbing and find some deals for us. My first suggestion was to have it in Dallas, as we have at least one strong participant there (Cassin, please!) who might be willing to do a little groundwork to find suitable and affordable lodging for us, and as it is located in the center of the US, and is a hub for both American and Southwest Airlines it might be the cheapest destination in terms of air travel for our fellow forum members worldwide.

Keeping this in mind, let's take a straw poll here and lets hear what you think. Please respond with answers to the following questions:

1) Would you be interested in an HairLossTalk.com Barbecue weekend (probably a Friday-Sunday affair)?

2) Where do you live?

3) Ideally speaking, where do you think is the BEST place to hold it?

4) Ideally speaking, where do you think is the most PRACTICAL place to hold it in terms of accessibility to the most fellow HairLossTalk.com participants, and your own accesibility to a destination other than your own home city?

5) Why is your suggested 'most practical' city practical? Pros and cons, please?

6) Should we invite the women of heralopecia.com to join us?

Responses please. I am going to tally up your responses into some sort of indexable format, and then we can discuss further.


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Passionate about this are we Gardener?You have wanted to do this since i have been on here lol anyways:

I do agree with you on the whole most people live in cali except for yours trully i live in Tampa but in placement i think once everybody comes forth you should go somewhere in the middle.Compromise.Although you say Dallas and since it is in the middle it makes for a good target.

I also think that the best place (since its a BBQ) would be a National and or state park(cause that would involve camping).I cannot tell you where exactly we should have it because like i said we need to figure out the best route and or destination that would be best for everybody involved.

Also if the women want to come so be it the more the merry but they have to realise that were all nuts.

Furthermore im curious to see what Zimmy and Ty think seeing as how they live in the UK with all the hot and clean hookers i doubt they would catch a plane to see us instead of clean prostitutes.

We need more opinions though.

The Gardener

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Camping at a National Park would be spectacular, but the logistics would be challenging. We would have to manage to feed ourselves, all 100 of us or so, which could be difficult. Not to mention the travel time and cost to get from the airport to the park, and the parks are not usually near airports.

Besides that, all your points taken. Please keep the responses coming.

As for Ty and Zimmy, I am expecting responses from them shortly, as even though it is approaching 1am here in California, it is soon approaching 9am in Britain and I am sure those slackers will soon crawl out of bed and log on. That's one of the benefits of being colonized by the British, in terms of internet chatrooms, the sun never sets on the English speaking community... So Ty and Zimmy, wake your slacker asses up and respond!


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Aight "G",

Here it goes...

1) Yes, a weekend thing would work.

2) Santa Clara

3) Bay Area

4) Bay Area, tons of things to do and place to have the event at, WEATHER! I know its my own home city, but I do think its the most ideal.

5) Things to do, weather, great hotel rates, (perhaps I can work a deal somewhere), chicks!

6) Sure why not.....

Tony Montana

The Gardener

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Hey Tony.. Late night, sun's coming up... where should we have breakfast?

Thanks for the response. I'll count this one as a solid Bay Area vote. I hear the hotels at Union Square in San Fran have good deals on Priceline if they are slow, and THAT would be f*****g perfect. Could you imagine all of us taking over a cable car and riding to Fisherman's Wharf (pissed drunk) to grab a nice crab sandwich? Of course, the only problem is that we would have a difficult time barbecuing there, but of course we could do the barbecue thing at one of the local parks if we could arrange transportation?... things to consider... think about it, and thanks for the input, Tony. Let's make this happen.


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I think the most important thing we must figure out is transportation.If we figure out airplane ticket costs and trans cost through the city everything after that would be a cakewalk.

The Gardener

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blue said:

I think the most important thing we must figure out is transportation.If we figure out airplane ticket costs and trans cost through the city everything after that would be a cakewalk.

Yep. That's the challenge.

And it is not just a challenge for you or me, it is a challenge for ALL of us.

We will make this work. I just want this process of getting this event off the ground to be as democratic and transparent as possible so that as many people as possible have a say on the details of our weekend. Right now, we have to get a basic assessment of the logistical situation.

On a side note, I strongly suggest that we pull together a small pot of money to help our non-US friends get an affordable airfare over here. Even if it is just 10, or 20, or 30 dollars contributed per person based on what you can afford, it will mean a big deal in terms of adding to the variety and geographic diversity of the folks at the barbecue. We have to help these folks, overseas airfares to the US are expensive, and we really should try to include them if at all possible.

I will be the first to make a donation. Any non-US contributor who makes his/her way to the HairLossTalk.com barbecue will have their beer paid for by me. That's right, any non-US resident that comes to the HairLossTalk.com BBQ will have free beer courtesy of the Gardener.

Anyone else ready to step up to the plate?


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What up Brother,

It has been a late night, just bought a bar for my house and had tons of people over.

Anyways, the deals on hotels are really good here, on priceline and other search engines we can get some fat deals. I am whilling to have people stay at my house too. Its not big but we can fit a few. Also, as far as transportation goes if we do this with enough advance notice Im sure we can get some sort of deal through southwest. I really think this should happen, it would be fun as hell!

Other ideas.... Santa Cruz or Monterey even somewhere down south by the beach.....

As far as starting some sort of collection fund, I am fine with that and will help with what I can. Anyways, lets get this on the road fellas!!!!

The Gardener

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Great ideas, Tony. Let's not just make this some boring-*** event, lets plan something really fun! I mean, this event will be what we make of it!

There are a bunch of smart and resourceful people on this forum, let's toss around ideas and really work to make this happen. It will be fun as hell!

Anyways, I gotta hit the sack. But, as soon as I wake up I will resume monitoring this thread and keeping us focused. We need to pull together on this one. It will be a really great party!


1) Would you be interested in an HairLossTalk.com Barbecue weekend (probably a Friday-Sunday affair)?

Ooh I dunnooooo, I think im busy washing my toupe`.

2) Where do you live?

I could tell you but I would have to kill you.

3) Ideally speaking, where do you think is the BEST place to hold it?

A stripclub.

4) Ideally speaking, where do you think is the most PRACTICAL place to hold it in terms of accessibility to the most fellow HairLossTalk.com participants, and your own accesibility to a destination other than your own home city?

This is the same question as number 3! Im cofused now, I want my mommy!

5) Why is your suggested 'most practical' city practical? Pros and cons, please?

Memphis, so we can all dress up like Elvis!

6) Should we invite the women of heralopecia.com to join us?

I`ll come if there wearing hot lingerie.

The Gardener

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Okay, chalk up one vote for the Scotsman who would like to have the HairLossTalk.com BBQ in Memphis at a strip club.

Zimmy, I have to have a heart-to-heart with you. We are going to have this HairLossTalk.com BBQ in an amazing place (wherever it may end up) here in the States. I really want you to come here and join us. It would not be the same without you, and I mean that.

Please, mind this space and let's work out some sort of way to get Zimmy from Scotland, UK to HairLossTalk.com BBQ, USA. We are going to do this. Zimmy, never underestimate a Yank with a burning good idea. And, keep in mind that the minute you touch ground on American soil, the Garderner is paying for each and every beer you drink.

Zimmy, do some travel research and see what American cities have the cheapest airfares from the UK. Please post your results! We are going to do this, we will pull this all together and have a f*****g fantastic unified HairLossTalk.com BBQ.


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All there is to worry about is the flight, I will provide a place to stay and the dollar there GOES A LONG WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh man, that would be AWESOME! You guys dont even know!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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again with this kind of thread? no offense, but even though i appreciate some of the info i've gotten here, you guys need to get lives


So I guess it will be at Hopewas` place then? You better hide your girlfriend...


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well..with all of you over..your shiny heads could give me the urge to play pool..which works out because i have a pool table at home. i haven't played in years even though i have one. i'm just kidding. seriously ..go out and get lives. i know you guys want to get together and talk to people who are like you.. that you can talk about sh*t without feeling uncomfortable, because they're losing their hair too, but you got to get past that


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Hopewas whats up your *** man! Ive probably done more in my 23 years of living that you will ever do in your whole life. Just because G is trying to set this up doesnt mean we dont have lifes dickface! What a MAHU! f*** man, we respond to your questions try to help you out and you come out firing like a b**ch!


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I would not be willing to pay hundreds of dollars to attend a bbq, no. As much as I like ya'll, it's just not reasonable.


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brasileirao said:
Hopewas whats up your *** man! Ive probably done more in my 23 years of living that you will ever do in your whole life. Just because G is trying to set this up doesnt mean we dont have lifes dickface! What a MAHU! f*** man, we respond to your questions try to help you out and you come out firing like a b**ch!

no offense, but i think i've done more at age 16 than what you've done..but i'm not here to rub sh*t in anyone's face. only people who are insecure do that. no one is going to fly to another state for a barbecue..that's all i'm saying,..and if they do, they need to get lives in my opinion..that's all..i mean i like and appreciate a lot of you guys for helping me, but wake up.


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Axon said:
I would not be willing to pay hundreds of dollars to attend a bbq, no. As much as I like ya'll, it's just not reasonable.

we posted almost the same thing at the same time. at least someone gets what i'm saying