Hello all. Started January 1, 2006. Purchased some Proscar at a great price online. I decided to go with genuine Merck. Split the tablets into 5 pieces as according to the diagram available here. Took 1mg every night before I went to sleep. The results have been tremendous! I was losing a lot of hair when I showered and was repeatedly being told by many that my hair is thinning and bad. The frontal part of my head was starting to show scalp and receding fast. I noticed that there were lots of black dots where the hair follicle was trying to grow but just wouldn't sprout. After about 3 months, I started seeing small thin-like hairs starting to grow. Those small hairs are now turning into thick hair. You can not see my scalp any longer. My friends can not believe it, as they were skeptical to begin with. I have also not experience NO side effects.
Thanks to this site (which I have been reading well over a year but never posted before), I am well educated in the subject of hair loss and have restored my hair from any further loss. Thank you all who have contributed. Keep the faith. We're going to have this thing beat sooner than later!
Thanks to this site (which I have been reading well over a year but never posted before), I am well educated in the subject of hair loss and have restored my hair from any further loss. Thank you all who have contributed. Keep the faith. We're going to have this thing beat sooner than later!